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Wang Qingxian welcomes the medical team sent to Wuhan at the airport and delivers a speech: Nobility is a pursuit of value and self-transcendence!

Time: 2020-04-01 18:23:41Views: Source: Qingdao News and Qingdao TV





Wang Qingxian said in his speech Nobility is a pursuit of value and self-transcendence at a ceremony welcoming the fifth batch of medical team sent to Wuhan back to Qingdao. 

Meng Fanli hosted the ceremony.

On the afternoon of March 31, the fifth batch of Qingdao's medical team sent to Wuhan accomplished their tasks and returned to Qingdao by plane from Wuhan. Wang Qingxian, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Meng Fanli, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the city, welcomed the team at the airport, and expressed respect and heartfelt thanks to them on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the people of the city.


At 4:50 p.m., the chartered planes carrying 264 Qingdao medical staffs landed at Qingdao Liuting International Airport one after another, and the airport received them with "a water salute", the highest courtesy in the civil aviation sector. The medical team members waved national flag in their hands and walked out of the cabin in turn with joy and relief, though exhausted. On the tarmac, welcome banners were waving in the wind, and people welcomed the medical team with big applaud.


The city's fifth batch of medical team sent to Wuhan has a total of 264 people. At 22:00, February 8, the order of sending a medical team to Wuhan was delivered, and only 9 hours later, a medical team was ready and left for Wuhan at 7:00 a.m., February 9, to take over the two critical care wards on the 10th and 9th floors of the E1 ward of Tongji Hospital (Guanggu Hospital) of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. After 51 days of day and night battle, the team accomplished the medical treatment tasks, with a total of 201 patients treated.


Wang Qingxian said after listening to the report of the medical team, for nearly two months, you and the people of Wuhan and Hubei fought together, with superb medical skills, considerate service, to practice the noble spirit of "respect for life, saving lives, helping the injured, willingness to dedicate, love without borders", showing the good style and spirit of Qingdao medical workers. This is the best interpretation of the national action to win the battle against the epidemic, and the best wishes for the prosperity and peace of the motherland.


Wang Qingxian said that the people of the city have always been concerned about the medical team sent to Wuhan, and are warmed, touched and inspired by the story of the medical team to fight the epidemic. The medical team members' self-sacrifice for the sake of others is a higher value pursuit, a kind of self-transcendence, inspiring and awakening a sense of nobility in everyone's heart with their own great love and righteous deeds, which is the most vivid practice of the socialist core values of "patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendliness". Qingdao is building an open, modern, dynamic and fashionable international metropolis, needs this kind of spirit of the medical team sent to Wuhan, and needs more groups like you and more people like you.


Wang Qingxian said, cherry blossoms are blooming in Qingdao to welcome the safe return of their heroes! Everyone will have a period of isolation and recuperation next, I hope you can relax, take a good rest, adjust your physical and mental state, turn the experiences in Wuhan into wisdom for life and work, return to work with more enthusiasm, and realize your higher pursuit of life values.


After the welcoming ceremony, the team members took the bus and left the airport under the escort of police cars. Wang Qingxian, Meng Fanli, etc. waved to them and saw them off.


Zhu Hua and Luan Xin participated in the event.

At 4:50 p.m. on March 31, three chartered planes carrying 264 memebers of the fifth batch of Qingdao medical team sent to Wuhan landed at Qingdao Liuting International Airport one after another, and the airport received them with "a water salute", the highest courtesy in the civil aviation sector.


The medical team members waved national flag in their hands and walked out of the cabin in turn with joy and relief, though exhausted. On the tarmac, welcome banners were waving in the wind, and people welcomed the medical team with big applaud. The medical team members also waved back to the crowd.




Wang Qingxian, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Meng Fanli, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the city, welcomed the team at the airport, and expressed respect and heartfelt thanks to them on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the people of the city.




The fifth batch of Qingdao medical team sent to Wuhan has a total of 264 people. At 22:00, February 8, the order of sending a medical team to Wuhan was delivered, and only 9 hours later, a medical team was ready and left for Wuhan at 7:00 a.m, February 9 with protective clothing, N95 masks, goggles and other medical protective materials, after a series of medical team building, personnel selection, material preparation, special training and other work.


The medical team consisted of medical and nursing staff from 6 public hospitals. Among them, 132 people from Qingdao University Hospital formed No. 1 team of the seventh batch of Qingdao medical team of Shandong Province sent to Wuhan; 132 people from public hospitals in Qingdao City formed No. 2 team of the seventh batch of Qingdao medical team of Shandong Province sent to Wuhan (48 people from Qingdao Municipal Hospital, 30 people from Qingdao Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, 26 people from Qingdao Jiaozhou Central Hospital, 16 people from the Eighth People's Hospital of Qingdao, 12 people from the Sixth People's Hospital of Qingdao). The two medical teams took over the two critical care wards on the 10th and 9th floors of E1 Ward of Tongji Hospital (Guanggu Campus) of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology respectively. After 50 days of day and night battle, the medical team accomplished the tasks with a total of 201 patients treated.


Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, the city has sent a total of 306 medical team members to Wuhan, including 202 women and 104 men; the oldest is 56 years old, while the youngest 22 years old, 95 were born in 90s and 99 were Chinese Communist Party members. Responding to the call of President Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, they were not afraid of difficulties or dangers, devoted themselves to the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan, saved lives, practiced the noble spirit of "respect for life, saving lives, helping the injured, willingness to dedicate, love without borders", showed the good style and spirit of Qingdao medical workers and won the high praise and full trust from the people of Hubei and Wuhan. They made Qingdao contributions to the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan and were no doubt the Qingdao Models.


Members of the medical team gather in Wuhan and prepare to go home

At present, 305 medical team members have completed the task of assisting Wuhan. and returned to Jinan and Qingdao in batches for 14 days of isolation and rest. Among them, 1 medical staff of Qingdao Yinghai Medical Comprehensive Clinic returned to Qingdao together with the fifth batch of Qingdao Medical Team.


Attachment: Basic information of Qingdao medical team sent to Wuhan


A total of 306 medical personnel from Qingdao were sent to Hubei to assist in the prevention and control of the epidemic.


1. There were 303 medical personnel in the fifth batch of medical aid team.


The first batch included 8 people from Qingdao Municipal Hospital, who were sent to Huanggang Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Center on January 25, and returned to Jinan on March 21 for isolation and rest, and is expected to return to Qingdao on April 5.


The second batch included 12 people from Qingdao Central Hospital, who were sent to Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Center in Huanggang on January 28, returned to Jinan on March 21 for isolation and rest, and is expected to return to Qingdao on April 5.


The third batch included 9 people from private hospitals (Qingdao Sida Heart Disease Hospital and Qingdao Yishengjian Orthopedic Hospital), under the unified organization of Chinese Non-government Medical Institutions Association, who were sent to Wuhan Hanyang Hospital in Hubei Province on January 30, and returned to Qingdao on March 26 for isolation and rest.


The fourth batch included 10 people from the Hospital of Qingdao University, who were sent to Wuhan Tongji Hospital (Zhongfa campus) in the new city, returned to Jinan on March 30 for isolation and rest, and is expected to return to Qingdao on April 14.



On February 9, five batches of the city's medical teams leave for Wuhan

The fifth batch of the medical team consisted of 132 people from the Hospital affiliated to Qingdao University and 132 people from the municipal health commission.  They were dispatched to Tongji Hospital (Guanggu Hospital) affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology on February 9, and took over the two critical care wards on the 9th and 10th floors of E1 respectively, and returned to Qingdao on March 31 for isolation and rest.


The five batches of Qingdao medical team in Hubei had treated a total of 1082 patients with Covid-19, including 453 critically ill patients.


2. One expert on Infectious Diseases


Qin Wen, a doctor from the Hospital Infectious Diseases Department of the Hospital affiliated to Qingdao University, was sent to Wuhan on January 24 as a member of the National Health Commission expert group, stationed at Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital, and participated in the hospital-wide prevention and control of hospital infections, and his return date has not been determined.


3. One expert on the disease control


One professional disinfection personnel from Qingdao Center for Disease Control and Prevention was sent to Hubei Huanggang on February 15, returned to Jinan on March 28 for isolation and rest, and is expected to return to Qingdao on April 12.


4. One person from Qingdao Yinghai Medical Comprehensive Outpatient Clinic


Under the unified organization of Chinese Non-government Medical Institutions Association, Haier Medical organized its medical institutions to form Haier Shanghai Medical Team to assist Wuhan. 1 medical staff from Qingdao Yinghai Medical Comprehensive Outpatient Clinic, as one of the members, was sent to Wuhan Commercial Hospital on February 15, and returned to Qingdao with the fifth batch of Qingdao medical team.


Source: Qingdao News and Qingdao TV


Photo by: Zhou Guanghui, Liu Dong, Yang Zhiwen