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Shandong Province supports Hubei Huanggang to combat the epidemic

Time: 2020-03-03 18:06:12Views: Source: Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, March 3 (Xinhua) Title: March thousands of miles to the Dabie Mountain and join hands with Hubei to overcome the difficulties of the time - Shandong Province supports Hubei Huanggang to fight the epidemic


Xinhua News, by Yan Xiangling


Since the start of epidemic prevention and control work, Shandong Province does a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the province, and meanwhile makes the province's efforts to support Hubei Huanggang. The people of the two places join hands to overcome the difficulties.


Medical personnel can be counted on, and white-coated soldiers aid Huanggang


"We are the first medical team sent from Shandong Province, and a team of more than 100 people departed from Jinan at night on the first day of the Lunar New Year, arrived at Wuhan Airport around 11 p.m., and took the bus from the airport to Huanggang overnight." said Jia Xinhua, leader of the first Shandong medical team sent to Hubei and deputy dean of the first clinic school of medicine of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


At that time, Huanggang was the city with the most serious epidemic besides Wuhan. The local government opened the unfinished Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Center for emergency use, which was converted into Huanggang's version of "Xiaotangshan Hospital". The Shandong medical team was fully involved in designing, renovating, cleaning and regulating.


At 11:00 p.m. on January 28, the medical team welcomed the first batch of patients with Covid-19.

Jia Xinhua said, "The total number of beds we had at that time was one hundred, and 48 patients were admitted on the first night, and the ward was full the next night of seriously ill patients."


With the changing situation of Huanggang epidemic prevention and control, Shandong province continued to strengthen the coordination, scientific deployment of the province's best medical and nursing personnel, and successively formed a number of high-level support medical teams sent to Hubei.


On February 10, Shandong decided to set up the front command for supporting Huanggang City in epidemic prevention and control with deputy secretary provincial party committee Yang Dongqi as the commander, and vice governor Sun Jiye as deputy commander.


Over the past month, Shandong has sent 12 batches of medical teams with 1,794 people to support Hubei, including 1,182 people in Wuhan, 608 people in Huanggang and 4 people in Ezhou. As of February 29, Shandong medical team in Huanggang treated 685 patients (including suspected cases) in total, cured 363 people, and 144 in hospital patients. Meanwhile, they completed 9924 sample tests, 1.18 million square meters of disinfection, and tracked 123 confirmed cases and 1291 close contacts.


Material security is ensured with efficient transportation 


"I am a veteran, and a party member, and is proud of doing some charity." Wang Kun, a veteran from Jinan, donated 40 tons of vegetables, eggs, etc. worth 200 thousand yuan, to Huanggang.


In the current epidemic, Shandong shows the comprehensive advantages of a large industrial and agricultural province, from medical supplies to household goods. Shandong makes every effort to collect urgent supplies, reproducing the spirit of the people’s "cart".


Shandong commercial department took the initiative to contact Hubei commercial department  to learn about the consumer demand for essential goods and establish a directory of key vegetable distribution enterprises in Hubei. Shandong also strengthens the production guidance for agricultural production enterprises and planting and breeding households to further enhance the output capacity.


Laiyang pear farmers donated 40 tons of pears, Mai Xiang Yuan Food Co., Ltd. donated 100,000 steamed buns, villagers in Dingtao, Heze donated 13 tons of vegetables, and two guys took turns to drive to Huanggang ......


Lunan Pharmaceutical Group donated medical supplies worth more than 10 million yuan to medical institutions in Hubei, and Liaocheng Xinfengxiang Group donated chicken food and medical supplies worth more than 7 million yuan to Wuhan and Huanggang ......


"In order to transport the supplies to the destination as soon as possible, we chose places with convenient transportation such as Tai'an and Dezhou to transfer." After participating in an emergency transfer of supplies, Gu Xianfeng, deputy director of the Bureau of Operation Monitoring and Coordination of Shandong Province's Department of Industry and Information Technology, said.


Up to now, Shandong has sent to Hubei a total of more than 2.164 million masks, more than 300,000 sets of protective clothing, more than 130,000 pairs of goggles, more than 2,800 tons of disinfection supplies. Four batches of 11 types of protective supplies and 4 types of disinfection supplies have been allocated to Huanggang, meeting all the needs of the epidemic, and the current stock of protective supplies for the Huanggang medical team can be used for more than 7 days.


Work hard and work together


"Shandong and Huanggang are a family, and we will go all out." Half a month ago, veteran Zhu Wenguang and other five Dongjiang rescue team members drove more than 800 kilometers from Shandong Linyi to Huanggang. The rescue team was approved to carry out volunteer services.


"We brought an air cannon disinfection machine, five sprayers, 300 kilograms of disinfectant, and 100 pounds of pancakes, tents and other supplies. The tent and pancakes were not used, and they arranged local loaging for us." Zhu Wenguang said.


With the joint efforts of all parties, the epidemic situation in Huanggang City were improving, and the medical team and local cadres and people, established a deep friendship.


"We do our best to support Huanggang, Huanggang people show their care for us. When I received the elaborate gifts frpm the villagers, my heart was full of affection." Chen Ru, member of Shandong medical team, and nurse-in-charge of nursing department, Zaozhuang City Cancer Hospita, said.


More than 30 days have passed since the first batch of Shandong medical team members arrived in Huanggang, and the team members who were resting in Sanli Fan town of Luotian County received gifts from local residents one after another: early on the morning of February 26, representatives of villagers and township cadres of Sanli Fan town brought 160 pairs of cotton slippers and insoles to the team members.


The people of Shandong and Wuhan are connected by love. When the villagers in Sanli Fan town of Luotian County heard that the team members had come to their town, every household got busy and sewed their love for the people of Shandong into the slippers and insoles.


In order to do a better job of epidemic prevention and control, Shandong insists on both the current and long-term benefits, and helped Huanggang with a good medical infrastructure. At present, Shandong has donated 532 million yuan to Huanggang. Among them, 32 million yuan goes to the epidemic prevention and control of Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Center; support goes to Huanggang city and five counties and cities to build 100 ICU ward beds, buy five negative pressure ambulances, with a donation of 100 million yuan; 400 million yuan goes to Huanggang for building specialized hospitals and CDC safety protection secondary laboratory and other projects to enhance the epidemic prevention and control capabilities in a long-term way.


In addition, Shandong Province CDC and Huanggang CDC will also sign a cooperation agreement, and the in-depth cooperation between the two sides of medical institutions has also started.