Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Delegation of Joyvio Group pays a visit to the organizing committee of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

Time: 2021-12-24 17:49:48Views: Source: Original

A delegation of Joyvio Group, including Chairman Chen Shaopeng, Vice Chairman Zhao Fei, visited the organizing committee of Global Health Forum (GHF) of Boao Forum for Asia on December 22. Luo Xiaoqin, Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee, welcomed them warmly with other committee members, and the two sides had a deep discussion on the cooperation in the conference.


Chairman Chen Shaopeng introduced that the business of Joyvio Group involved marine protein, nutritional fruits and vegetables, food safety, Far East grain layout and other fields, focusing on upgrading nutritional dietary structure, research and development of new generation nutritional consumer food and building smart technology ecological chain; Joyvio Group is committed to driving the development of high-quality ingredients supply chain while promoting the dual-cycle development strategy of health food industry. He said that GHF was a high-standard and authoritative exchange platform for health, and Joyvio Group hoped to explore the topics on "nutrition & health, and food security" with the international and professional platform provided by the forum and meanwhile, promote resource integration, market expansion and brand internationalization by focusing on healthy city, children's nutrition and school education, etc.

动态 | 佳沃集团来访博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会组委会

Meeting with delegation of Joyvio Group

Deputy Director Luo Xiaoqin highly praised Joyvio Group's high sense of corporate mission and implementation of national development strategies such as Healthy China and rural revitalization. She introduced the first two conferences and expos of the Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia. As an international exchange platform between government, business, industry, academia and research, it gained unique advantages of resources from government, industry home and abroad, experts and government-enterprise dialogue. She expressed the willingness to strengthen cooperation and exchange with Joyvio Group, in bringing health food of "Chinese quality” to the world, and jointly promoting the integration of global health resources.

After full discussion, the two sides both agreed that they would integrate the resources of all parties and promote the practical cooperation of "3+365" of the conference immediately, to jointly practice the action of healthy China, build a global healthy food supply chain and advocate a healthy lifestyle.

动态 | 佳沃集团来访博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会组委会

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