Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia
Conference Quotations
Conference Quotations
  • Health is the eternal pursuit of human beings, and health promotion is the common responsibility of the international community.

    As an important partner of the World Health Organization (WHO), China firmly supports the Alma-Ata Declaration and the Astana Declaration, and will take an active part in WHO’s global health agenda and campaigns such as Universal Health Coverage. China will strengthen cooperation with WHO in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and providing aid to the other developing countries.

    ———Sun Chunlan, Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice-Premier of State Council of the PRC
  • Health, at the core of human well-being, is closely related to the well-being of all nations. The medical system should be the public property that everyone has access to, and that services of different levels should benefit all the people. Meanwhile, we should strike a balance between fairness and high efficiency.

    ———Chen Zhu, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress
  • People's health is the basis of social civilization and progress, and is an important symbol of national prosperity and national wealth. China has always attached great importance to the development of health, actively undertake the Healthy China initiative, and constantly meet the growing health needs of the people, to ensure all-round and full-cycle protection of people’s health.

    ———Li Bin, Secretary General and Vice Chairman of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
  • Health is no longer just about quality of life or longevity, but an important part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustained and strong investment in health can promote economic and human resource development, which will be the main pillar of future growth.

    ———Ban Ki-moon, Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia and the 8th Secretary-general of the United Nations
  • Global cooperation in improving public health governance is the only way to address the global health crisis. As a major test, the pandemic has highlighted the deficit of global governance. Ensuring fair accessible and affordable vaccines, as well as health equipment, product supply chains, and unimpeded trades are more urgent than ever.


    ———Zhou Xiaochuan, Vice Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia and Vice Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
  • One’s health is the foundation of one’s life, so people’s health is the foundation of a nation and human health is the way to build the world. Solving health issues is a necessary premise for sustainable development.


    ———Li Baodong, Secretary General of Boao Forum for Asia