Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia
Health Communication
Health Communication

1. Background


A golden time of health industry in China


Health industry has become a global focus. After the "mechanization era", "electrification era", "computer era" and "information network era", we have entered an "era of big health". The health industry has become a new global economic growth point following the internet industry. In the United States, Japan and other developed countries, the added value of the health industry accounts for more than 15% of GDP, while in China it only accounts for 5%. Therefore, there is much room for the health industry to develop in China. The national health literacy monitoring results released on the website of National Health Commission show that the health literacy rate of Chinese residents has been rising year by year, and the national health awareness has doubled in 2020 compared with 2015. The overall revenue of China's big health industry continues to rise, and it is expected to exceed 8 trillion RMB in 2021, which indicates that China is in a golden time of health industry. At the same time, under the fight against COVID-19, China's big health industry has a major development opportunity. Digital health, epidemic prevention industry, health consumption, environmental health, health examination, health insurance, health management, health cultural tourism, sports rehabilitation, health pension, food health, health real estate, health investment and others in big health industry will achieve leapfrog development.


Health communication is important to fighting COVID-19 and promoting global health development


Margaret Chan, President of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia, said that global health had become the most important topic for all mankind and an important priority for sustainable development. When the virus is currently wreaking havoc throughout the world, both traditional media and new media should give full play to their media content and creative advantages, and closely focus on epidemic prevention and control, knowledge popularization, industrial development, technological progress and typical cases to carry out continuous and powerful health communication, which is critically important for us to defeat COVID-19 as early as possible and return to normal work and life. At the same time, for the development of the health industry, how to improve a media environment and marketing methods of communication that are conducive to industrial development and enterprise marketing is crucial to the rapid development of the global health industry.


Implementing health communication strategies in the context of "Healthy China" initiative


Promoting the transformation of China's healthcare work from "disease-centered" to "health-centered" and achieving health for all can not be achieved overnight, but requires long-term and continuous efforts as well as active participation of the whole society. To achieve it requires the adoption of new ways and strategies of media communication, and design of a model of health communication and policy advocacy. The Innovation Center for Health Communication will be established to call on authoritative media and opinion leaders in the health field to facilitate health communication in the market and society, while complying with national regulations on news reporting, and thus to help implement the Health China strategy.


Establishing “Innovation Center for Health Communication”


The Global Health Forum (GHF) of Boao Forum for Asia aims to build a platform for exchange between government, business, industry, academia and research, and promote the development of international health, with rich resources of close connection with international organizations,national ministries, local government, and  experts and scholars, industry associations and leading enterprises, and news media, as well as the advantages of serving cross-border cooperation among all parties. In order to integrate the global health media communication resources, focus on the development hotspots in the global health field, promote the transformation from medical-centered to health-centered, and break through the bottleneck of the integration and coordinated development of health media and health enterprises, Global Health Forum has established the " Innovation Center for Health Communication" to build a health communication platform linking government, experts, enterprises, media and the public. It will help the health industry in China and around the global to develop in a sustainable, steady, rapid and high-quality way through policy discussions, strategic analysis, industry market research, business model innovation, news and information release, large-scale event planning, brand marketing, case sharing and character stories, while linking all parties in the government, business, industry, academia and research.


2. Mission


The Innovation Center for Health Communication is committed to promoting health communication, facilitating the high-quality development of the health industry and improving the national health level, and aims to build a health communication platform for health enterprises from home and abroad by bringing together the world's best media opinion leaders, experts and scholars, government officials and elites from all walks of life, so that government policies and information can be quickly and accurately conveyed, the advice and recommendations of experts can be quickly and accurately disseminated, and the advanced technology and market information of enterprises can be spread rapidly to meet the needs of all parties for health information and health communication.


3. Demand Analysis


As a platform for exchange and dialogue between government, business, industry, academia and research and under the overall framework of the Global Health Forum, the Innovation Center will carry out activities and cooperation around several directions for the following clients:

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4. Advantages of Resource


Relying on the platform and rich resources of GHF, the Innovation Center has advantages in the following six aspects:

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5. Scope of Services


Focusing on health communication, the Innovation Center will provide professional planning and consulting services for the important participants of GHF, in order to foster the development of health industry in China.

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