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Premier Li Keqiang makes important instructions on promoting Healthy China Initiative

Time: 2019-07-26 19:09:23Views: Source: THE STATE COUNCIL OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

Li Keqiang made an important instruction to the national teleconference on promoting Healthy China Initiative

To further implement the concept of big health and prevention-oriented policy

Improve people's sense of health, happiness and the quality of life

Sun Chunlan attended the meeting and delivered a speech

The national teleconference to promote Healthy China Initiative was held in Beijing on July 25. Premier Li Keqiang, also member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made important instructions. The instructions stressed needs of the implementation of Healthy China Initiative on a daily basis to improve the quality of health for all people for the benefit of the country and the people. In recent years, all regions and departments have done a lot of work in improving the national health policy, deepening the reform of the medical and health system, the implementation of disease prevention and health promotion and other aspects, which have improved the people's health level significantly. To adhere to the Xi Jinping’s socialism with Chinese characteristics in new era as a guide, conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee, the State Council's decision to further implement the concept of health, health and prevention-oriented approach, we should strengthen policy coordination and departmental coordination, and promote Healthy China Initiative to achieve new results. We should strongly advocate that everyone is the first person responsible for their own health, widely popularize health knowledge, encourage individuals and families to actively participate in health actions, change the focus on the "treatment-centered" to "people's health-centered", effectively improve health literacy in the whole society, in order to accelerate the formation of a healthier lifestyle and improve the people's sense of health, happiness and quality of life.


Sun Chunlan, vice premier of the State Council and director of the Healthy China Initiative Promotion Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. She stressed the need to thoroughly implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping's important instructions on the construction of a healthy China, implement the requirements of Premier Li Keqiang's instructions, change the concept, make joint efforts to promote, focus on implementation, and promote the Healthy China Initiative, and comprehensively improve the health of the people.


Sun Chunlan pointed out that in the 70 years since the founding of New China, the development of health cause has made great progress. At the same time, we must see that in the new era, people have new expectations for health. To practice our party's original mission of protecting people's health, we should change the concept of promoting health work from the treatment of diseases to the people's health as the center, while solve the problem of difficulty and high cost in seeing the doctor, and deepen the three medical linkage reform. Efforts should be also made to popularize health knowledge, promote health education into the classroom, into the family, into the community, into the unit, and guide people to develop good behavior and lifestyle. She mentioned to strengthen health interventions, fully implement the National Nutrition Program, widely carry out radio gymnastics, interval exercises and other national fitness activities, and provide services for sleep health and psychological counseling intervention. We should coordinate the work on the health of key populations such as women and children, adolescents, the elderly and the poor, and provide health services throughout the life cycle. It’s necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of major diseases, promote early diagnosis and treatment and health management, improve the level of treatment, and extend the healthy lifespan. All departments should strengthen the organization and security, improve the promotion mechanism, strengthen the monitoring and assessment, make clear responsibility and coordination for all the tasks, avoid the formalism and the instant success, in order to ensure a fruitful Healthy China Initiative.