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People's Daily: Build up a solid public health system

Time: 2020-06-04 09:31:28Views: Source: People's Daily

People's security is the cornerstone of national security, and human health is the basis for the progress of social civilization.


On the afternoon of June 2, President Xi Jinping hosted a meeting of experts and scholars, and delivered a very important speech after listening carefully to everyone's speech. Xi stands in the overall strategic height of the country, focusing on building a solid public health system, summarize the lessons learned in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic, clarify the strategic position and role of health care, systematically discuss reform and improve the disease prevention and control system, improve the early warning response mechanism, comprehensively enhance the prevention and control and treatment capabilities, building a strong protective network wall, and promote public health security and epidemic prevention and control and other major issues in the construction of the legal system. The speech is distinct in intent, profound in thought, and rich in connotation, for the whole party and society to strengthen the bottom line thinking, enhance the sense of worry, promote the quality development of health care in the new era, guard against major risks in the field of health, and effectively safeguard the safety and health of the people, with great and far-reaching significance.


Ensuring the safety of people's lives and physical health is a major task of our party in governing the country. The Party and the State have always attached great importance to the development of health and health care, to promote the health and well-being of the people. Since the 18th Party Congress, the Party Central Committee, with Xi Jinping at its core, has clarified the Party's health policy for the new era, strengthened the system to improve people's health, adhered to prevention as the main focus, steadily developed the public health service system, prevented and responded to outbreaks of influenza A (H1N1), H7N9, Ebola hemorrhagic fever and other outbreaks, and significantly reduced the incidence of major infectious diseases. As Xi stressed, "Health is an essential requirement for the promotion of all-round human development, a basic condition for economic and social development, an important symbol of national prosperity and national wealth, and a common pursuit of the general public." In the historical process of achieving the "the two of one hundred years" goal, the development of health care has always been in a fundamental position, closely linked with the overall national strategy, and playing an important supporting role.


When attending the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation at the third session of the 13th National People's Congress, President Xi Jinping reviewed this fight against the Covid-19 epidemic and pointed out that "people first, life first, and protecting people's life safety and physical health at all costs." In the face of this major public health emergency, the fastest spreading, most widely infected, and most difficult to prevent and control since the founding of New China, the Party Central Committee coordinated the overall situation, made decisive decisions, insisted on putting people's life safety and health first, and the whole Party, the whole army, and the whole nation went all out to take the strictest, most comprehensive, and most thorough prevention and control measures, and the national epidemic prevention and control war has achieved significant strategic results. These achievements highlight the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the significant political advantages of our socialist system, reflecting the growing comprehensive national strength of our country since the reform and opening up, showing the strong power of the whole Party, the whole army and the whole nation to help each other.


"Without universal health, there is no overall well-off." As we can see, with the level of economic and social development and people's living standards continuing to improve, people pay more attention to the quality of life and health security, and health needs show diversified and differentiated characteristics. We can also see that people's health is both livelihood issues, but also social and political issues. Preventing and resolving major epidemics and public health risks is matter of national security and development, social and political stability. The response to the epidemic, China's public health system and medical service system have played an important role, but also revealed some shortcomings and deficiencies. We must face the problems, increase reform efforts, and urgently make up for the shortcomings. Party committees and governments at all levels should unify their thoughts and actions to the spirit of Xi's important speech and the Party Central Committee's decision and deployment, adhere to the overall planning, system reshaping, comprehensive upgrading, reform the disease prevention and control system, improve epidemic monitoring and early warning and emergency response capabilities, improve the major epidemic treatment system, improve public health emergency laws and regulations, and effectively promote health work, and focus on raising the institutional mechanism level to ensure people's health.


People's health is the most valuable asset, and healthy people means stronger national power and sustainable development capacity. On the new long march, as long as we always adhere to the people-centered development ideology, people's health on the priority development of the strategic position, focus on building a solid public health system, and strive to achieve all-round, full-cycle protection of people's health, we will be able to unite all the people, resolve the difficulties, overcome all the risks and challenges, and create a better life.


(Source: People's Daily)