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Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China has offered a 50-million-dollars assistance to the WHO

Time: 2020-06-07 17:37:48Views: Source: World Wide Web

At the 73rd World Health Assembly held last month, China announced five major initiatives to further support global cooperation in fighting the epidemic. Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said at a briefing at the State Information Office on the 7th that China is undertaking these initiatives.


China has proposed to provide $2 billion in international aid over two years to support countries affected by the epidemic, especially developing countries, in their fight against the epidemic and in their economic and social recovery and development. Ma Zhaoxu said the $2 billion includes both medical supplies and support for the post-epidemic economic recovery and development of the countries concerned, and includes both bilateral assistance and multilateral donations. Regarding bilateral assistance, China is conducting equal communication with countries in need to identify assistance projects to help developing countries improve public health and people's livelihood, and help economic and social recovery. Regarding multilateral donations, China has provided $50 million assistance in cash to the World Health Organization, provided assistance to the Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization and other organizations, and actively assisted the World Health Organization's Solidarity Response Fund to raise funds in China.


Ma mentioned that China is cooperating with the United Nations to promote the establishment of a global humanitarian emergency warehouse and hub in China. 30 China-Africa paired-up hospitals are also being built. In addition, China is working with G20 members to implement the Debt Service Moratorium Initiative for the poorest countries, and has announced a debt service moratorium for 77 developing countries and regions.


Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China undertakes five initiatives announced at the WHO Conference and has provided $50 million assistance in cash to the WHO