Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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The 2nd Global Health Expo of Boao Forum for Asia: A platform for industry interconnection, industry exchange and supply-demand matchmaking

Time: 2021-06-01 18:28:23Views: Source: Qingdao Daily News / Guanhai News

On June 1, the press briefing of the 2nd Global Health Expo of Boao Forum for Asia was held in International Conference Center of Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition. The 2nd Global Health Expo will be held from June 1 to June 3, with an exhibition area of 20,000 square meters, including Shandong Hall and Global Health Hall. Highlights of this year's expo include "One Belt and One Road" TCM Globalization exhibition area, international exhibition area (international organizations, embassies), domestic exhibition area, pharmaceutical innovation achievements exhibition area, United Nations procurement and international cooperation project promotion meeting, government promotion, new product release of exhibitors, etc.. It will build an important platform for industry interconnection, industry exchange and supply-demand matching, promote the display and exchange of health quality industries and resources in global health, and thus then stimulate the smooth and orderly development of global health cause.


The Shandong Hall is located in Hall S3 of Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition, with a display area of 10,000 square meters, including exhibitions of anti-epidemic public health, medical equipment, biomedicine, medical and health care and international cooperation, etc. It will fully demonstrate the overall development achievements and level of Shandong Province in high-end medical and health care, AI medical care, medical equipment, life science innovation, diversified health management and other health industries, and set up a platform for big health enterprises in Shandong to communicate and dcooperate with enterprises from home and abroad, so as to build a new highland of health industry in Shandong. The Global Health Hall is located in Hall S4 of Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition, with a display area of 10,000 square meters, including exhibitions of embassies, international organizations, provincial and municipal delegations, “Make Chinese Traditional Medicine Go Global”, medical innovation and technology achievements, partners, Chinese medicine AI experience area, intelligent robots experience area, and the opening ceremony/United Nations procurement and international cooperation project promotion. The exhibition will attract the world's leading enterprises in the medical and health care industry and the health field, as well as representatives of local governments, and aims to build a display platform of international health achievements with significant influence.


The supporting events of the Expo include the opening ceremony of the 2nd Global Health Expo, press briefing, TCM Health Forum, Hospital Management Salon, UN procurement briefing and international business andproject promotion, and Private Conference on Strategically Paying Medical Insurance.