Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Secretary General Li Baodong: Health is a productive force

Time: 2019-06-11 21:08:47Views: Source: Original


On June 11th, 2019, the Global Health Forum (GHF) of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) was held in the Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition, Shandong. BFA Secretary General Li Baodong presided over the Opening Ceremony and delivered a speech.


Mr. Li said that GHF is a new high-level dialogue and cooperation platform built by BFA. Instead of merely discussing technical issues such as medicine and medical device, the Forum is designed to focus more on the development of frontier fields and the trend of trans-sectoral integration in the health industry. It is committed to bringing together the wisdom across the industry to promote interdisciplinary cooperation. Today, with the rapid development of big data, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and other emerging technologies, we should look at the health industry through a new lens, and redefine the industry in the new era. The high-quality economic and societal development has made people pursue better health, safety and self-development. A new round of technological revolution will further improve human health, which, together with increased life expectancy, will in turn boost social production. The health sector will undoubtedly contribute to new value chains, industry chains and service chains, as well as innovative ideas, technologies and management methodology. In an era of high-quality development, health is productivity.