Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Strategic cooperation agreement signed between Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia and China Association for Promoting UN Procurement

Time: 2020-08-11 17:55:22Views: Source: Original

On August 11, 2020, Luo Xiaoqin, Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee of Global Health Forum (GHF) of Boao Forum for Asia Conference and President of Beijing Huaxia Hongli Health Technology and Research Co., Ltd. met with Wang Xunan, Executive Vice President of China Association for Promoting UN Procurement and his delegation.


A strategic cooperation agreement was signed between Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia and China Association for Promoting UN Procurement at the meeting. The two sides exchanged views on the in-depth cooperation before, during and after the second Forum. Both sides agreed to carry on the preparatory work for the next step.


Han Xuejuan, Director of International Department and Zhang Yanan, Director of Marketing Department of China Association for Promoting UN Procurement, Xie Jingdan, Director of Commercial Cooperation Department and Gu Xiaoyan, Director of Public Relations Department of the Organizing Committee also attended the meeting.