Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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A Preparatory Meeting for the 2nd Global Health Forum held on line in Qingdao

Time: 2021-05-12 11:02:19Views: Source: Original

The preparatory meeting for the 2nd Global Health Forum (GHF) was held in Qingdao via a video call on the afternoon of May 10. The Secretariat of Boao Forum for Asia, Shandong Provincial People's Government, Qingdao Municipal People's Government, the Organizing Committee of Global Health Forum (GHF) of Boao Forum for Asia Conference and government offices of Qingdao City gathered to discuss the preparatory work for the conference.


Mr. Li Baodong, secretary-general of Boao Forum for Asia, Margaret Chan, president of GHF, Mr. Zhang Liansan, deputy director of the General Office of Shandong Provincial Government, Mr. Xue Qingguo, executive vice mayor of Qingdao city, Cheng Ji, Executive Director of the Boao Forum for Asia Secretariat, Li Gang, Director of Health, Education, Science and Technology Affairs Department of Boao Forum for Asia Secretariat, Jie Yi, Executive Director of GHF Organizing Committee, Luo Xiaoqin, Deputy Director of GHF Organizing Committee, and Prof. Wang Yu, expert advisor of the forum attended the meeting.


Director Li Gang gave a detailed introduction about the current progress of the guest invitation and the agenda of the important events of the conference.


Executive Director of GHF Organizing Committee Jie Yi made a brief report on the current situation and progress of the preparatory work, and expressed the confidence and determination of the Organizing Committee in organizing the second Global Health Forum and Expo.


Vice mayor Mr. Xue Qingguo briefed the participants on epidemic prevention and control, and conference security, and said Qingdao would spare no effort to provide support for the conference.


Deputy Director Zhang Liansan expressed recognition and support for the preparatory work of the conference, and introduced the pandemic prevention and control plan, emphasizing the government should give top priority to implementing classified prevention and control, and precise management.


President Margaret Chan appealed to continue to consolidate the consensus on fighting COVID-19 together within the international community, advocate science-based pandemic prevention and health concept, and convene conference by concrete efforts and progressing with times.


Secretary-General Mr. Li Baodong concluded that the priority should be given to coping with the difficulties and unifying thinking to ensure a successful conference. The conference has provided an important platform for building the governance system for public health featuring consultation and cooperation, strengthening international cooperation on fighting the pandemic, and promoting the development of the health industry while telling the story of fighting against COVID-19 and fostering the local development.