Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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BFA Secretariat visits Qingdao to oversee the preparatory work of the 2nd GHF

Time: 2021-05-12 10:58:49Views: Source: Original

On the afternoon of May 11, a delegation of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Secretariat visited Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition, where the second Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia will be held, to oversee the work and give instructions on the preparations for the second GHF.


Cheng Ji, Executive Director of Boao Forum for Asia Secretariat, Li Gang, Director and Liu Xinhua, Deputy Director of Health, Education, Science and Technology Affairs Department, Tang Hua, Manager of Annual Conference Affairs Department of Boao Forum for Asia Secretariat, and staff of the Organizing Committee attended the coordination meeting.


Following the meeting, the secretariat delegation visited the venue, exhibition halls, the office of the organizing committee and the conference hotel at Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition, accompanied by Jie Yi, the executive director of GHF, Sun Dalin, Level I researcher of Qingdao Foreign Affairs Office, Wang Benjian, deputy district mayor of Qingdao West Coast New Area, and Ding Shanbao, the deputy director of the Exhibition & Convention Industry Promotion Center.


In the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, the second GHF is held at the right time. As a professional conference within the framework of Boao Forum for Asia, the GHF is the second large-scale offline conference after the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, and receive full attention and support from all parties.


As the conference is approaching, the GHF organizing committee will work together with all parties to strengthen collaboration in the preparation for a successful Global Health Forum and Expo.
