Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Build A New Ecology of Health Management Services and Upgrade the Medical Security System

Time: 2021-08-18 12:01:12Views: Source: Original

On August 18, Zhu Junsheng, Research Director of China Insurance and Pension Research Center, Wudaokou School of Finance, Tsinghua University, visited the Organizing Committee of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia (hereinafter referred to as "the Organizing Committee"). Luo Xiaoqin, Executive Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee, and Wang Yu, Expert Consultant of the Forum, welcomed him warmly. The two sides had an in-depth discussion on urban inclusive insurance, health insurance for the sick and chronic diseases, health insurance and health management.


Prof. Wang Yu said that health insurance of universal coverage was beneficial to the country, people and enterprises, and it was crucial to have the government, enterprises and insurance work together. It was difficult for health insurance to simply pay out, but it should follow the way of health management and health service. At the same time, to leverage the value of long-term care insurance, such as stroke sequelae, care costs, required the interconnection of medical institutions, insurances and enterprises. He mentioned that experts in this field were very concerned about health insurance, and the Organizing Committee has discussed with relevant experts to set up an innovation center for health insurance and health management under the framework of Global Health Forum, making full use of the Forum's political, business and academic resources to enable health insurance and health management to play a more active role in promoting the health insurance system in the new era.


Deputy Director Luo Xiaoqin noted that the second Global Health Forum set up insurance-related sub-forums and special salons, which attracted wide attention and discussions among insurance companies, medical institutions, local governments and other related organizations and enterprises. She said that the conference, as a high-end communication platform for dialogue between government and business, would integrate resources in big health from home and abroad to promote the development of the health insurance industry and give full play to the role of commercial insurance in government, enterprises, associations, institutions, finance, drugs, devices and other aspects. Secondly, demonstration bases of health insurance could be built in such cities with superior basic conditions as Qingdao and Guangdong; thirdly, a health insurance fund needed to be established. A number of measures are adopted to boost the development of health insurance for the benefit of the people, to perform the country's innovative experiments in deepening the reform of the medical security system, and to realize the upgrade of medical security by market-oriented means.


Director Zhu Junsheng said that 40% of the incremental part of insurance premiums came from health insurance this year, and the health insurance market had great potentials. At present, the insurance products were mainly insurance with low probability of occurrence and large payout rate, focusing on critical illness insurance; however, medical insurance is the future direction of health insurance development, involving hospitals, drugs, health management and services. In the process of establishing a medical insurance system with Chinese characteristics, as the basic medical insurance was faced with intense pressure, inclusive medical insurance as a supplement not only reduced the pressure on basic medical insurance, but also improved the level of medical security. He also expressed his support and willingness to establish a health insurance and health management platform for the forum to help promote health management and health services. The platform should be built as an industry chain synergistic program with an integrated approach, strengthen close cooperation with large health insurance companies, wellness companies and industry associations such as Insurance Association of China, Chinese Health Association and the Chinese Academy of Insurance Medicine, with the participation of local governments and the support of third-party organizations, so as to jointly build a health management ecosystem and promote the sustainable development of inclusive supplementary medical insurance.
