Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Shang Jingguo, Secretary-General of Insurance Association of China, visits the organizing committee of Global Health Forum

Time: 2021-08-25 12:06:16Views: Source: Original

Recently, Mr. Shang Jingguo, member of the Party Committee and Secretary General of Insurance Association of China, visited the Organizing Committee of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia (hereinafter referred to as "the Organizing Committee"). Luo Xiaoqin, Executive Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee, and Mr. Wang Yu, expert advisor of the Conference, welcomed him warmly. The two sides had a deep discussion on the synergistic development of beneficiary insurance and commercial health insurance in future.


Prof. Wang Yu said, for the future market of insurance with disease body, take hepatitis as an example, how can we effectively reduce the incidence of hepatitis? We can design a health insurance for hepatitis for cities and regions with high incidence of viral hepatitis epidemic, and such a commercial health insurance (with medical insurance) can be purchased with the personal account of basic medical insurance.. However, given that the basic medical insurance and commercial insurance mechanisms are not yet interoperable, the launch of this initiative will require multiple efforts.


According to Secretary General Shang Jingguo, the need for synergy between basic medical insurance and commercial insurance is a major issue that should be promoted by both platforms. However, this initiative still needs risk assessment, and commercial insurance companies are cautious about single-disease coverage. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for an international platform like Global Health Forum to pool resources and collaborate with all parties to enable commercial insurance and health management to play a major role and help achieve the goal of "Health for All" as early as possible.


Deputy Director Luo Xiaoqin suggested that firstly, commercial insurance should be used as a supplement to basic medical insurance. Secondly, wonder drugs should be included in commercial insurance. Thirdly, we should provide the insured with health management and accompanying services for the whole life cycle of screening, prevention, treatment, maintenance and care, so as to reduce the disease rate of patients and the government's financial expenditure, and form a virtuous circle. Fourthly, in conjunction with the development of cities and regions, we will establish a health management system that brings together the whole industry chain and the whole life cycle of medical care and recreation, so as to create a real demonstration model of "commercial insurance + health management" and help commercial insurance play a multi-faceted role in the medical insurance system.


Group Photo of Deputy Director Luo Xiaoqin, Secretary General Shang Jingguo and Professor Wang Yu