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Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: Health is a human right

Time: 2021-06-03 11:06:53Views: Source: BFA


On June 2, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Directo-Genera of World Health Organization, addressed at the opening ceremony of the 2nd Global Health Forum.


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the most vulnerable the hardest, and the most vulnerable has the least access to the tools to protect themselves. Low and medium-income countries and receive less than 7 percent of the world vaccines, although they account for half of the world population. Vaccine equity is an investment in ending the pandemic, restoring confidence and driving a truly global recovery.


The pandemic is teaching us many lessons and asking us many questions about how we can together create a safer future. There are many global consensus for the idea of signing an international treaty for pandemic response. Such a binding, high-level treaty would increase accountability for the implementation of international health regulations. 


The pandemic has shown that health is not a luxury, or simply an outcome of development, but a human right, and foundation of social and economic development and security. Building a resilient health system in all countries based on a strong primary health care and with universal coverage as the goal is the best way to build a healthier, safer, fairer and more sustainable future.