Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia
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COVID-19 situation updates (No. 61-80)

Time: 2023-03-07 17:17:10Views: Source: Original

No. 61, February 5, 2020

Hao Fuqing, deputy director of the Department of Social Development of the National Development and Reform Commission: the lack of some medical resources is a great concern to everyone. Currently we are working day and nigh to increase production. On the 3th, the production number of masks has reached 14.8 million in 22 key provinces, rising 3.1% day-on-day. In overall, the production of masks shows a continuous rise, especially in medical N95 masks. After the epidemic the government will store the surplus production, and enterprises in line with the standard can start to produce at full capacity.

(CCTV News)


No. 62, February 5, 2020

The Alibaba Governance Department has once again issued the strictest ban on masks. The announcement for all merchants reiterates that the platform continues to crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy epidemic prevention supplies, with "zero tolerance" for unqualified masks and sellers. As of Feb. 4, Alibaba has permanently removed 15 stores suspected of selling unqualified masks, five of which were transferred to law enforcement agencies.

(Sina Technology)


No. 63, February 5, 2020

At yesterday's 146th Executive Board meeting, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reiterated that there is no reason for countries to take measures that unnecessarily interfere with international trade and travel, and called on countries to

- Make decisions based on factual evidence

- Accelerate vaccine development, testing and treatment

- Work together and share information

(World Health Organization)


No. 64, February 6, 2020

On February 5, 2020, a cumulative total of 28018 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 3694 new cases. 261 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery and 5457 close contacts were removed from medical observation. There are 640 new severe cases, 73 new deaths (70 in Hubei, each in Tianjin, Heilongjiang and Guizhou) and 5328 new suspected cases.


As of 24:00 of February 5, 2020, 28018 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland and 26302 are treated in isolation (including 3859 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 1153 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 563. There are  24702 suspected cases, are a total of 282813 close contacts, and 186354 close contacts are still under medical observation.


A cumulative total of 42 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 21 in Hong Kong (1 death), 10 in Macau, and 11 in Taiwan.

(National Health Commission)


No. 65, February 6, 2020

On the morning, Sun Chunlan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the mobilization meeting for a comprehensive investigation of the pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan. Sun Chunlan pointed out that we should make every effort to prevente and control the virus from the source. Door-to-door check on the "four types" of patients should be taken in Wuhan. Measures such as taking body temperature, tracking close contacts, should be taken by community, government departments, workplaces and the people, in order not to miss any patients and sent them for isolation and treatment immediately. Doctors should take the responsibility for the patients’ first visit. Sun Chunlan stressed to implement the prevention and control measures in a wartime state. Officials at all levels should take the epidemic prevention and control as the most important and urgent task, fulfill their local responsibilities, put an end to formalism and bureaucracy, establish a 24-hour duty system, and stick to the post. We must make all efforts to solve problems and carry out the prevention measures to protect the lives and health of the people and win the battle against the epidemic.

(CCTV News)


No. 66, February 6, 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced at its headquarters in Geneva on May 5 the launch of the Strategic Preparedness and Response Programme (SPRP) to address the novel coronavirus outbreak, which aims to provide guidance for the development of outbreak response plans at different country or regional levels.


At a press conference held on the same day, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the launch of the Strategic Preparedness and Response Programme to support countries in the prevention, detection and diagnosis of novel coronavirus transmission. The program will require funding support of about $675 million over the next three months, Tedros said. WHO plans to use $61.5 million of that amount for the agency's response to the outbreak, while the remaining funds will go to countries at higher risk of prevention and control or in need of help.


According to WHO, the program will focus on containing the further spread of the novel coronavirus by rapidly building international cooperation and technical support, upgrading national levels of prevention and control, and accelerating key research, development and innovation, especially for countries with the most vulnerable health systems that may need to respond to an outbreak. In addition, the program will facilitate early diagnosis, isolation and care of patients, exchange of critical information, accelerate diagnostic, treatment and vaccine development, and reduce negative social and economic impacts.


On the 4th, Tedros called on the relevant countries to seize the "window" of prevention and control of the epidemic, urging the public and private sectors to strengthen cooperation in the development of diagnostic tools, drugs and vaccines.



No. 67, February 5, 2020

The latest news on Guangdong "No. 1 Prescription for Pneumonia": the prescription got emergency approval by the Guangdong Provincial Drug Administration on February 4, was put into production by Guangdong EFONG Pharmaceutical on February 6, and is expected to be used in the treatment of patients with mild symptoms next week in Guangdong Province.


According to reports, "No. 1 Prescription for Pneumonia" belongs to the hospital preparations, according to the provisions, and such prescriptions can only be for hospital use and produced based on the hospital needs. Guangdong EFONG Pharmaceutical already got materials ready during the approval process, and produced three batches, which will be delivered for the hospital use after the approval. As "No. 1 Prescription for Pneumonia" is an in-hospital preparation, and can only be used in Guangdong province, the output can meet the demand for treatment of patients diagnosed in Guangdong.


Previously, according to the Guangdong Provincial Drug Administration's approval information, the Eighth People's Hospital of Guangzhou used the prescription for 50 new coronavirus infection pneumonia patients with mild symptoms, and after a week of clinical treatment by the formula, 50% of patients had no cough symptoms, 52.4%  no sore throat symptoms, and 69.6% no symptoms of weakness. No patients were turned to severe cases, which showed a good clinical value.


It is also known that "No. 1 Prescription for Pneumonia" is mainly composed of five Chinese herbs, but the formula is confidential. The product is a kind of Chinese medicine granules, valid for 6 months. The “No. 1 Prescription for Pneumonia” is for the new coronavirus infection with mild symptoms, but not a preventive drug. Those who are not infected with new coronavirus do not need to take the drug.

(Shenzhen Special Zone Newspaper)


No. 68, February 7, 2020

On February 6, 2020, a cumulative total of 31161 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 3143 new cases (2447 in Hubei). 387 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery (184 in Hubei) and 26762 close contacts were removed from medical observation. There are 962 new severe cases (918 in Hubei), 73 new deaths (69 in Hubei, each in Jilin, Guangdong and Hainan) and 4833 new suspected cases (2622 in Hubei).


As of 24:00 of February 6, 2020, 28985 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland (including 4821 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 1540 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 636. A cumulative total of 31161 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 26359 suspected cases. There are a total of 314028 close contacts, and 186045 close contacts are still under medical observation.


A cumulative total of 50 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 24 in Hong Kong (1 death), 10 in Macau (1 patient discharged from hospitals after recovery) , and 16 in Taiwan (1 patient discharged from hospitals after recovery).

(National Health Commission)


No. 69, February 7, 2020

A new study conducted by Professor Shen Yongyi and Professor Xiao Lihua from South China Agricultural University and Guangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern Agricultural, together with researcher Yang Ruifu from the Military Medical Research Institute of Academy of Military Sciences and Senior Veterinarian Chen Wu from the Research Department of Guangzhou Zoo, has shown that pangolin is a potential intermediate host for the novel coronavirus. This latest finding will be of great significance to the prevention and control of novel coronaviruses at source.

(South China Agricultural University)


No. 70, February 7, 2020

UNAIDS said on June 6 that the agency is working closely with partners and authorities in China to ensure that people living with HIV continue to have access to essential health services during the fight against the new coronavirus epidemic. In areas affected by the novel coronavirus epidemic, access to services for patients with other diseases may be limited as hospitals focus on serving the growing number of people living with novel coronavirus, UNAIDS said. UNAIDS applauded the National Center for AIDS/STI Control and Prevention in China for taking swift action to ensure that people living with HIV who have left their hometowns during the current lockdown have access to monthly antiretroviral therapy medications. UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima said that China has made tremendous efforts to contain the epidemic and she has full confidence in its ability to control the epidemic.




No. 71, February 7, 2020

With the approval of the central government, the State Supervisory Commission has decided to send an investigation team to Wuhan City, Hubei Province, to conduct a comprehensive investigation into issues involving Dr. Li Wenliang as reflected by the public.

(CCTV News)


No. 72, February 7, 2020

The press conference of State Council joint prevention and control mechanism was held on the afternoon of February 7, and Guo Yanhong, Ombudsman of Medical Policy and Medical Administration of National Health Commission, introduced that we have now established a one-to-one counterpart support relationship of 16 provinces to support cities outside Wuhan, to fully assist Hubei Province with the treatment of patients, and to protect the health and life of the people.

(CCTV News)


No. 73, February 7, 2020

WHO is working with partners to strengthen global diagnostic capacity to enhance global surveillance, track the transmission process, and leverage laboratory expertise in molecular detection of the virus. Fifteen laboratories around the world have been identified to provide reference testing support for the outbreak.

(World Health Organization)


No. 74, February 8, 2020

On February 7, 2020, a cumulative total of 31774 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 3399 new cases (2841 in Hubei). There are 1280 new severe cases (1193 in Hubei), 86 new deaths (81 in Hubei, 2 in Heilongjiang, each in Beijing, Henan and Gansu) and 4214 new suspected cases (2073 in Hubei).


510 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery (298 in Hubei) and 26702 close contacts were removed from medical observation.


As of 24:00 of February 7, 2020, 31774 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland (including 6101 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 2050 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 722. A cumulative total of 34546 confirmed cases (14 cases less in Heilongjiang by correction) has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 27657 suspected cases. There are a total of 345498 close contacts, and 189660 close contacts are still under medical observation.


A cumulative total of 52 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 26 in Hong Kong (1 death), 10 in Macau (1 patient discharged from hospitals after recovery) , and 16 in Taiwan (1 patient discharged from hospitals after recovery).

(National Health Commission)


No. 75, February 8, 2020

Zhao Jianping, an expert from the Hubei Medical Rescue Group: For raltegravir, we used a randomized double-blind controlled trial. As for the side effects of this medicine, based on the use of foreign patients, there are no significant adverse reactions. We do clinical studies with more emphasis on critically ill patients, previously grouped 1:1, 1 part therapeutic drug, 1 part control group, but this time it is 2:1. Unmedicated patients will also receive standard treatment.

(CCTV News)


No. 76, February 8, 2020

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare said on the 8th, regarding the outbreak of mass gathering of infections on the "Diamond Princess" cruise ship, three new coronavirus infection pneumonia confirmed cases were reported. So far, in addition to the first group of Hong Kong patients, a total of 64 people were diagnosed on the luxury cruise ship "Diamond Princess" which carried more than 3,700 people.


According to the Japanese "Yomiuri Shimbun" on the 6th, the "Diamond Princess" cruise ship sailed out of the port of Yokohama on January 20, docked in Kagoshima on the 22nd, arrived in Hong Kong on the 25th, stopped at the port of Naha on February 1, and returned to Yokohama on February 3. A Hong Kong male passenger in his 80s disembarked in Hong Kong on January 25, started to have a fever on January 30, and was diagnosed with New Coronary Pneumonia on February 1. After that, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare began to investigate the health status of all 3,711 people on board (2,666 passengers and 1,045 crew members), and tested 273 of them for the new coronavirus who showed adverse symptoms. The test results of 102 people have been released, and the remaining 171 are still waiting for the test results. The ministry said there is a possibility of a mass infection on board, and except the confirmed patients receiving treatment, other people were asked to be quarantined on board for 14 days. The ship is currently moored at the port of Yokohama at Daikokuro Futo for collective quarantine.




No. 77, February 8, 2020

The spokesman at a press conference of State Council joint prevention and control mechanism, referred to the new coronavirus pneumonia as " Novel coronavirus pneumonia", and "NCP" in abbreviation.

(People's Daily)


No. 78, February 9, 2020

On February 8, 2020, a cumulative total of 37198 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 2656 new cases (2147 in Hubei). There are 87 new severe cases (52 in Hubei), 89 new deaths (81 in Hubei, 2 in Henna, each in Hebei, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Shandong, Hunan and Guangxi) and 3916 new suspected cases (2067 in Hubei).


600 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery (324 in Hubei) and 31124 close contacts were removed from medical observation.


As of 24:00 of February 8, 2020, 33738 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland (including 6188 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 2649 on the Chinese mainland (one less in Heilongjiang by correction), with the total death toll at 811. A cumulative total of 37198 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 28942 suspected cases. There are a total of 371905 close contacts, and 188183 close contacts are still under medical observation.


A cumulative total of 53 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 26 in Hong Kong (1 death), 10 in Macau (1 patient discharged from hospitals after recovery) , and 17 in Taiwan (1 patient discharged from hospitals after recovery).

(National Health Commission)


No. 79, February 9, 2020

The State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference on Feb. 8, and Feng Luzhao, a researcher at the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Division of China CDC, said that New Coronary Pneumonia is an emerging infectious disease to which everyone is not immune and to which everyone is susceptible. So whether or not there are cases in your neighborhood, there is a risk of infection if you don't take precautions. He suggested not to touch the handrails of the stairs, the buttons of the elevator and other surfaces of public facilities in the community. After touching, it’s better to touch your eyes, mouth, nose, and wash your hands as soon as possible.

(China News Network)


No. 80, February 9, 2020

Huanchun Chen, professor at Huazhong Agricultural University: The novel coronavirus uses the same cell entry receptor as the SARS coronavirus and possesses an 87.1% similarity shape to the SARS-associated virus found in bats and a 79.5% similarity to the SARS virus. The similarity to a coronavirus found in a bat sample from Yunnan province was 96%. The study revealed that the novel coronavirus belongs to the SARS coronavirus.

(CCTV News)