Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia
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COVID-19 situation updates (No. 101-120)

Time: 2023-03-07 17:17:10Views: Source: Original

No. 101, February 13, 2020

Zeng Guang, chief scientist of epidemiology at the CDC, said that "clinically diagnosed cases" means that the laboratory has not yet confirmed the diagnosis and has not yet found a positive nucleic acid test, but only detected the similar clinical symptoms. This patients without positive test do exist, and can not be ruled out, otherwise it will be spreading in the community. Taking these people as the new cases can have them isolated and receive hospital treatment, which is beneficial to the society and the patients themselves. He believes that the inclusion of the "number of clinically diagnosed cases" in the "number of confirmed cases" for release is a right step to prevent the spreading of the disease.



No. 102, February 13, 2020

Approved by the Central Military Commission Chairman Xi Jinping, the army sent another 2,600 medical personnel to support Wuhan to combat the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, based on Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital operation model, and undertake medical treatment tasks for confirmed patients in Wuhan Taikang Tongji Hospital and Guanggu Hospital of Hubei Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital. So far, the army has sent three batches of more than 4,000 medical personnel to support Wuhan in the fight against the new coronary pneumonia epidemic.

(CCTV News)


No. 103, February 13, 2020

Days ago, the CPC Central Committee announced: Ying Yong is appointed member of the Hubei Provincial Committee, member of Standing Committee, and Hubei provincial Party secretary. Jiang Chaoliang no longer serve as Hubei provincial Party secretary, member of Standing Committee and member of the Hubei Provincial Committee.

(Xinhua News Agency)


No. 104, February 13, 2020

Wang Zhonglin is appointed member of the Hubei Provincial Committee, member of Standing Committee and Secretary of Wuhan Municipal Committee, Ma Guoqiang no longer serves as Deputy Secretary, member of Standing Committee and member of the Hubei Provincial Committee, and Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Committee.

(Xinhua News Agency)


No. 105, February 13, 2020

Mi Feng, spokesman and deputy director of the Department of Publicity of National Health Commission, introduced at the meeting that, according to Guangdong, Guangzhou Medical University, in collaboration with Guangzhou Customs and the Fifth Zhongshan Hospital, isolated the virus from the stool of patients with New Coronary Pneumonia. Mi Feng pointed out that some patients at the early stage have diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, and for patients with positive nucleic acid test or isolated virus in the stool specimens, it suggests that after infection with the new coronavirus, the virus can also proliferate in the digestive tract. Analysis of the clinical manifestations of the cases showed that whether the patient's gastrointestinal symptoms were the first symptoms or complications, the main target organ of the disease was still the respiratory tract, and pneumonia was still the main clinical manifestation.

(People's Daily)


No. 106, February 13, 2020

On February 12, 2020, a cumulative total of 59804 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland (13332 inHubei), including15152 new confirmed cases. There are 174 severe cases less than the previous day, 254 new deaths (242 in Hubei, 2 in Henan, each one in Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Xinjiang) and 2807 new suspected cases.


1171 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery and 29429 close contacts were removed from medical observation,


As of 24:00 of February 12, 2020, 52526 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland (including 8030 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 5911 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 1367. A cumulative total of 59804 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 13435 suspected cases. There are a total of 471531 close contacts, and 181386 close contacts are still under medical observation.


There are 14840 new confirmed cases in Hubei (13436 in Wuhan). 802 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery (538 in Wuhan) with 242 new deaths (216 in Wuhan). 43455 confirmed cases (30043 in Wuhan) have been reported (including 7084 severe cases with 5426 in Wuhan). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 3441 (1915 in Wuhan), with the total death toll at 1310 (1036 in Wuhan). A cumulative total of 48206 confirmed cases (32994 in Wuhan) has been reported with 9028 suspected cases (4904 in Wuhan). There are 1377 new suspected cases (620 in Wuhan).


In order to provide early diagnosis and treatment of patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia and to leave no one unattended in Hubei, the diagnostic criteria for cases in Hubei Province and other provinces outside Hubei Province were differentiated in accordance with the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Treatment Protocol (Trial Version 5, Revised Edition)", and "clinically diagnosed cases" were added in Hubei Province. The classification of suspected cases with imaging features of pneumonia is determined as clinically diagnosed cases, so that patients can receive early standardized treatment in accordance with the requirements for confirmed cases to improve the effectiveness of treatment. At present, 13,332 clinically diagnosed cases reported in Hubei Province are included in the statistics of confirmed cases, and the treatment is being strengthened to reduce severe cases and lower the death rate.


A cumulative total of 78 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 50 in Hong Kong (1 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 1 death), 10 in Macau (2 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery) , and 18 in Taiwan (1 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery).

(National Health Commission)



No. 107, February 13, 2020

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on 13 June that the relevant Chinese authorities are discussing with the World Health Organization advance team that arrived in Beijing on 10 June about the specific arrangements of the joint China-WHO expert mission. The main purpose of the joint expert mission is to conduct in-depth exchanges between experts from both sides on the epidemic situation and prevention and control, and to provide advice and suggestions for China and the global epidemic countries to work together to prevent and control the epidemic in the next step.

(Xinhua Viewpoint)



No. 108, February 13, 2020

On the 13th, the central Covid-19 response team pointed out that we must continue to take Hubei Province, especially Wuhan City as the top priority for the prevention and control of the epidemic. Wuhan City needs to accelerate the classification of "four types of patients" for centralized treatment or isolation; Xiaogan, Huanggang and other cities should take the same isolation and treatment measures as Wuhan. Hubei and Wuhan should further strengthen the control of departure from Hubei and Wuhan, to effectively prevent the spreading of the virus. The meeting pointed out that the traffice will not be the same congested as last year because of the effective transportation measures. Local goverments should continue to focus on the prevention and control of the epidemic. Each province should adopt effective policies according to their own situation of the epidemic, in order to restore the order of production and life. Effective drugs and rescue treatment are the key to overcome the epidemic. It’s necessary to summarize the nearly 6,000 cured cases and improve the treatment plan. Efforts should be made to prevent the mild cases from developing into severe cases, carry out rescue and treatment of severe cases, and develop clinically effective drugs to improve the cure rate and reduce the death rate.

(People's Daily)


No. 109, February 14, 2020

Recently, China National Biotec Group has completed the collection of plasma from some recovered patients to carry out the preparation of neo-coronavirus special immune plasma products and special immune globulin. After strict blood biosafety testing, virus inactivation and antiviral activity testing, the plasma has been successfully prepared for clinical treatment and put into clinical use to save and treat critically ill patients in close cooperation with Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co. Ltd., Sinopharm Wuhan Plasma-derived Biotherapies Co., Ltd., the First People's Hospital of Jiangxia District, Wuhan City, Wuhan Blood Center, Wuhan Institute of Virology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Institute for Food and Drug Control.

(People's Daily)


No. 110, February 14, 2020

On February 13, 2020, a cumulative total of 63851 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 5090 new cases. There are 2174 new severe cases, 121 new deaths (116 in Hubei, 2 in Heilongjiang, each one in Henan and Chongqing) and 2450 new suspected cases.


1081 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery and 26905 close contacts were removed from medical observation.


As of 24:00 of February 13, 2020, 55748 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland (including 10204 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 6723 on the Chinese mainland (108 cases less in Hubei by correction), with the total death toll at 1380. A cumulative total of 63851 confirmed cases (1043 cases less in Hubei by correction) has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 10109 suspected cases. There are a total of 493067 close contacts, and 177984 close contacts are still under medical observation.


There are 4823 new confirmed cases in Hubei (3910 in Wuhan). 690 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery (370 in Wuhan) with 116 new deaths (88 in Wuhan). 46806 confirmed cases (32959 in Wuhan) have been reported (including 9278 severe cases with 7492 in Wuhan). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 3862 (2016 in Wuhan), with the total death toll at 1318 (1016 in Wuhan). A cumulative total of 51896 confirmed cases (35991 in Wuhan) has been reported with 6169 suspected cases (4904 in Wuhan). There are 1154 new suspected cases (473 in Wuhan).


A cumulative total of 81 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 53 in Hong Kong (1 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 1 death), 10 in Macau (3 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery) , and 18 in Taiwan (1 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery).

(National Health Commission)



No. 111, February 14, 2020

Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health Commission, said that as of 24:00 on February 11, 1,716 cases, or 3.8%, were confirmed among medical personnel nationwide. Among them, 6 unfortunately died, accounting for 0.4% of the fatal cases. There were 1,502 confirmed cases among medical personnel in Hubei, accounting for 87.5% of the confirmed cases among medical personnel nationwide, including 1,102 cases in Wuhan.

(CCTV News)



No. 112, February 15, 2020

On February 14, 2020, a cumulative total of 66492 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 2641 new cases. There are 849 new severe cases, 143 new deaths (139 in Hubei, 2 in Henan, each one in Beijing and Chongqing) and 2277 new suspected cases.


1373 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery and 30081 close contacts were removed from medical observation.


As of 24:00 of February 14, 2020, 56873 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland (including 11053 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 8096 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 1523. A cumulative total of 66492 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 8969 suspected cases. There are a total of 513183 close contacts, and 169039 close contacts are still under medical observation.


There are 2420 new confirmed cases in Hubei (1923 in Wuhan). 912 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery (486 in Wuhan) with 139 new deaths (107 in Wuhan). 48175 confirmed cases (34289 in Wuhan) have been reported (including 10152 severe cases with 8335 in Wuhan). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 4774 (2502 in Wuhan), with the total death toll at 1457 (1123 in Wuhan). A cumulative total of 54406 confirmed cases (37914 in Wuhan) has been reported with 5534 suspected cases (2265 in Wuhan). There are 1216 new suspected cases (507 in Wuhan).


A cumulative total of 84 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 56 in Hong Kong (1 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 1 death), 10 in Macau (3 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery) , and 18 in Taiwan (1 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery).

(National Health Commission)


No. 113, February 15, 2020

Yesterday, the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases revealed to the public that recently, under the guidance of Academician Zhong Nanshan, the laboratory, together with several research institutions, has newly developed a new coronavirus IgM antibody rapid test kit, and has completed preliminary evaluation in the laboratory and clinical trials. According to the introduction, only a drop of blood needs to be taken to obtain the test results within 15 minutes of visual observation, and positive bands can still be detected after the patient's plasma is diluted 500 to 1000 times. The State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases said that the kit was tested in a hospital in Hubei. By retesting blood samples from some patients clinically diagnosed as positive for novel coronavirus infection (but negative for PCR nucleic acid testing), the kit was able to detect a significant proportion (IgM) of positives, suggesting complementarity with nucleic acid testing. At present, samples of the kit (for scientific research) have been sent in large quantities to primary health institutions in Wuhan, Huanggang and Daye, Hubei Province, for joint use with nucleic acid testing and other technologies for testing and evaluation of novel coronavirus infections.

(CCTV News)



No. 114, February 15, 2020

According to the National Health Commission, the World Health Organization and relevant international experts will arrive in Beijing by the end of this week, after consultation between China and the World Health Organization. The joint China-WHO expert mission on novel coronavirus pneumonia will have in-depth exchanges with the relevant departments of the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism in response to the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak. After that, they will visit three provinces (cities) to see into the implementation and effectiveness of urban and rural prevention and control measures, visit relevant epidemiology, medical treatment, laboratory testing, scientific research and other related institutions, and make recommendations on the prevention and control of the epidemic in China and the world.



No. 115, February 15, 2020

Some vaccine varieties are undergoing animal testing. The safety of vaccines is the first priority, and researchers need to be given some time to develop safe and effective vaccine products. At present, domestic research teams are progressing basically in parallel with their foreign counterparts.

(People's Daily)


No. 116, February 16, 2020

On February 15, 2020, a cumulative total of 68500 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 2009 new cases. There are 219 new severe cases, 142 new deaths (139 in Hubei, 2 in Sichuan and 1 in Hunan) and 1918 new suspected cases.


1323 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery and 29788 close contacts were removed from medical observation.


As of 24:00 of February 15, 2020, 57416 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland (including 11272 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 9419 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 1665. A cumulative total of 68500 confirmed cases (1 case less in Jiangxi by correction) has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 8228 suspected cases. There are a total of 529418 close contacts, and 158764 close contacts are still under medical observation.


There are 1843 new confirmed cases in Hubei (1548 in Wuhan). 849 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery (413 in Wuhan) with 139 new deaths (110 in Wuhan). 49030 confirmed cases (35314 in Wuhan) have been reported (including 10396 severe cases with 8530 in Wuhan). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 5623 (2915 in Wuhan), with the total death toll at 1596 (1233 in Wuhan). A cumulative total of 56249 confirmed cases (39462 in Wuhan) has been reported with 5243 suspected cases (2168 in Wuhan). There are 1036 new suspected cases (391 in Wuhan).


A cumulative total of 84 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 56 in Hong Kong (1 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 1 death), 10 in Macau (3 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery) , and 18 in Taiwan (2 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery).

(National Health Commission)


No. 117, February 16, 2020

National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng said: as of 24:00 on February 15, the proportion of severe cases in confirmed cases has dropped significantly in Wuhan, Hubei and other provinces. In particular, the proportion of severe cases in confirmed cases fluctuated from a high of 32.4% on January 28 to 21.6% on February 15 in Wuhan, the proportion of severe cases in confirmed cases decreased from a high of 18.4% on January 27 to 11.1% on February 15 in other cities in Hubei, and the proportion of severe cases decreased from a high of 15.9% on January 27 % to 7.2% on February 15 in other provinces. The above changes indicate that the measures of epidemic prevention and control are effective across the country.

(CCTV News)


No. 118, February 16, 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at the 56th Munich Security Conference on Feb. 15, that we cannot predict in what direction the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic will develop, but he is encouraged about the steps China has taken to contain the outbreak at its source, which are slowing the spread of the epidemic to the rest of the world, even at great costs to itself.

(People’s Daily)


No. 119, February 16, 2020

As allowed by the national legal policy and with the consent of the patient's family, the autopsy of the 1st case of the deceased patient with New Crown Pneumonia was completed in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital at 3:00 am today, and the pathology of New Crown Pneumonia was successfully obtained. At 18:45, the autopsy of the 2nd patient who died of New Crown pneumonia was also completed at Jinyintan Hospital, and these two autopsy pathologies have now been sent for examination. The pathology of New Coronary Pneumonia obtained by autopsy will be of great help in exploring the clinical pathological changes and disease mechanism of patients with New Coronary Pneumonia, and can provide a basis for future clinical treatment of critically ill patients by discovering the pathogenicity and lethality of New Coronary Pneumonia.

(CCTV News)


No. 120, February 17, 2020

On February 16, 2020, a cumulative total of 70548 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 2048 new cases. There are 105 new deaths (100 in Hubei, 3 in Henan and 2 in Guangdong) and 1563 new suspected cases.


1425 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery and 2879 close contacts were removed from medical observation. There are 628 severe cases less than the previous day.


As of 24:00 of February 16, 2020, 57934 confirmed cases have been reported on the Chinese Mainland (including 10844 severe cases ). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 10844 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 1770. A cumulative total of 70548 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 7264 suspected cases. There are a total of 546016 close contacts, and 150539 close contacts are still under medical observation.


There are 1933 new confirmed cases in Hubei (1690 in Wuhan). 1016 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery (543 in Wuhan) with 100 new deaths (76 in Wuhan). 49847 confirmed cases (36385 in Wuhan) have been reported (including 9797 severe cases with 8056 in Wuhan). The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 6639 (3458 in Wuhan), with the total death toll at 1696 (1309 in Wuhan). A cumulative total of 58182 confirmed cases (41152 in Wuhan) has been reported with 4826 suspected cases (1971 in Wuhan). There are 909 new suspected cases (338 in Wuhan).


A cumulative total of 87 confirmed cases has been reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including 57 in Hong Kong (2 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 1 death), 10 in Macau (5 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery) , and 20 in Taiwan (2 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery and 1 death).

(National Health Commission)