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GHF Partners donate in support of the fight against the epidemic

Time: 2020-04-09 17:58:26Views: Source: People's Daily - Financial Channel Comprehensive

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, medical materials have been in short supply in Wuhan, Hubei Province, which is at the center of the epidemic, and the entire population has joined the fight against the epidemic in order to help the areas where the epidemic is severe. The international community, organizations, and companies have donated money or materials to Wuhan and other areas to support the fight against the epidemic. By reviewing the public reports of many media and the official websites of enterprises, we found that the partners of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia have also made donations and contributions to winning the "war on the epidemic" in various forms.


On Feb. 5, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a grant commitment of up to $100 million to support the global response to the Covid-19 outbreak. The funding will help strengthen case detection, isolation and treatment, protect vulnerable populations and accelerate the development of vaccines, drugs and diagnostics. In April, as the outbreak spread rapidly around the world, the Gates Foundation said it would invest billions of dollars in a new factory to develop seven different Covid-19 vaccine candidates.


Since the outbreak, Zhang Yanling, president of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, immediately led relevant experts and association staff to Wuhan to guide the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital. The association organized experts in several specialties to develop clinical treatment plans such as "Expert Recommendations for the Management of Severe New Coronary Pneumonia" and "Chinese Expert Consensus on the Use of ECMO in Emergency and Critical Cardiovascular Disease in the Context of New Coronavirus Sensitization and Control". The medical science branch of the association actively carried out epidemic-related science publication work, cooperated with TikTok, Toutiao and other media to launch "TikTok Live Season of War on Epidemic " and "Anti-Epidemic Live", launched [Open Class of War on Epidemic and Live Q&A with Experts] with CCTV News, and the special action of "Tribute to the Most Beautiful Medical Worker" with "Health China" media platform to tell the stories of fighting the epidemic.


As of March 16, China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products has provided the Ministry of Commerce and local departments with information on medical supplies suppliers or supply channels from 25 countries and 130 countries; provided 33 local government departments or enterprises with information on the supply of medical supplies urgently needed for epidemic prevention and control, and cooperated with three online platforms for epidemic medical supplies to update information on supply and demand of medical supplies in real time and provide good docking services. The Chamber has organized or assisted its member companies to complete 64 batches of medical supplies docking.


After the outbreak, Yili launched the "New Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan", donated 20,000 cartons of milk to medical workers who were still fighting on the front line during the Spring Festival in Wuhan, as well as 10 million yuan for the follow-up construction of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, and continued to invest 100 million yuan for the prevention and control treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia. On March 26, another 180 million was donated to purchase Jingdong shopping cards to be given to all the medical team members who assisted in Wuhan and the families of the medical workers who died in the line of duty during this epidemic, providing them with nutritional support throughout the year and for ten consecutive years, respectively.On April 6, Yili donated 15 million Yuan to the team of academicians Zhong Nanshan, Li Lanjuan and Cheng Jing to thank the outstanding contributions of scientific researchers and to jointly promote scientific research in the field of health. Another 5 million yuan was donated to Shusen-Lanjuan academician talent fund of Zhejiang University Education Foundation to promote the research on the "fight against epidemic".


On January 24, Pfizer donated 2.2 million yuan of new coronavirus pneumonia treatment drugs to Wuhan. After a 20-hour race against time, the first batch of Pfizer's anti-infective drugs were delivered to Wuhan Red Cross. In addition, the Pfizer Foundation donated $500,000 to Direct Relief and Project HOPE to support their global efforts to collect and transport urgently needed supplies, including medical masks, medical gloves, protective clothing and other medical protective supplies, to provide protection for patients and fight the epidemic together. The total amount of donations and supplies is more than 5.7 million RMB.


Merck donated 1 million yuan for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and colleagues from the factory, trade and supply chain also worked overtime during the holidays to ensure the supply of drugs to Wuhan. (Source: Merck China WeChat Account)


Ciming Checkup Group immediately set up a leading group for epidemic prevention and control, urgently mobilized more than 200 doctors, and launched online charity consultation services. Ciming also organized blood donation, with a total of more than 200 Ciming people in Beijing, Hefei, Wuhan and other places to participate in blood donation activities to solve the problem of blood in Wuhan; Ciming Boao International Hospital medical and nursing staff and the medical team of eight hospitals in Lecheng went to assist Hubei on February 14, and on February 17, another medical team of 25 medical and nursing staff went to assist the battle in Hubei; Ciming also donated insurance worth 1 million for the medical personnel of Ciming and Hainan Bo'ao International Hospital who were dispatched to the key areas of Hubei Province, and donated rehabilitation and healing trips worth of more than 3 million yuan to more than 300 Ciming medical personnel who were fighting against the epidemic.


China’s Health Doctor Alliance provided free online consultation services. Due to the highly contagious virus, in-person consultations and training will raise the risk of infection. Therefore, in response to the call of the National Health Commission, Online consultation has become one of the important helpe for this epidemic. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China’s Health Doctor Alliance has opened free online consultation services for more than 40 hospitals in Beijing, Henan, Shaanxi, Jiangxi and other provinces and cities for the epidemic, and nearly 1,000 experts from each partner hospital have been involved, providing more than 20,000 free consultation services to residents across the country during the period.


Haier organized four rounds of donations to Wuhan, Hubei and other areas where the epidemic was serious. On January 18, Haier was the first to donate more than 2 million yuan of medical supplies to Wuhan. On January 24, 3 million yuan in cash was donated to support the purchase of medical facilities and protective facilities at Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital and other hospitals; 2 million yuan worth of air conditioners, disinfection cabinets, electric water heaters, automatic washing machines, refrigerators and other Internet of Things appliances were used to guarantee the life of the meadical workers and patients. On January 25, Haier Biomedical urgently deployed a total of 65 sets of medical equipment such as ultra-low temperature refrigerators, drug freezers, blood cryogenic operating tables and biosafety cabinets worth RMB 3 million to assist medical institutions in Wuhan, including Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital, which are under construction. On January 29, Haier donated another 10 million yuan in cash and 500,000 U.S. dollars worth of medical supplies from Haier people around the world to Qingdao Red Cross. In addition, Haier "Yingkang Life" actively participated in the front line of the epidemic, and has donated medical equipment and thousands of sets of medical protection materials with a total market value of about RMB 5 million so far, and sent a supporting medical team to Wuhan.


Qingdao Ruiyuan Engineering Group Co.,Ltd. and its subsidiary China Healthcare International donated a total of 1.817 million yuan in cash and 30,000 yuan in materials.


Takeda China's total donations to support the fight against the epidemic reached nearly RMB 6 million. In response to the challenges and complexities posed by the continued spread of the Covid-19 worldwide, Takeda Global has recently announced that it has joined forces with national health regulators and healthcare partners in Asia, Europe and the United States to initiate the research of an anti-neocoronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) polyclonal high immunoglobulin (H-IG) for the treatment of high-risk patients. The hyperimmune globulin has previously been shown to be effective in the treatment of severe acute viral respiratory infections.


On February 12, the first batch of medical supplies donated by CNI (CHINA) CO. LTD. arrived in Qingdao, including medical masks, masks, Molecular breaking air disinfection purifier and vacuum cleaner, worth over 1 million yuan. CNI Foundation joined hands with A-Si Reading Club to launch a charity sale of epidemic prevention supplies, books and photography at Jiuqiu Bookstore from Feb. 28 to March 1. The money raised will be donated to the frontline hospital in Wuhan, Hubei, China, to purchase supplies such as masks, protective clothing, goggles and other items needed by the frontline medical staff fighting the epidemic.


As of February 10, the Coca-Cola China has donated 4.5 million RMB and nearly 900,000 bottles of drinking water and other beverages, 3,000 masks, 50 bottles of disinfectant and 50 sets of medical protective clothing; in addition, the Coca-Cola Foundation has donated a total of 500,000 USD in cash and 500,000 USD in medical supplies.


On February 1, the King Wing AW109 helicopter landed in Wuhan Xinhua Road Stadium with 800 pieces of protective clothing.The prevention materials including more than 3,000 sets of protective clothing and 24,000 masks, were transferred to Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital and the General Hospital of the Central War Zone of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. On February 4, AW109T helicopter B-706U was dispatched urgently and took less than one hour to deliver a batch of epidemic prevention medical supplies raised by Wuhan Cultural and Innovative Industries Promotion Association to the hospitals in Huanggang City, Ezhou City and Hubei Provincial People's Hospital.


(Editor: Qiao Xuefeng, Xia Xiaolun)