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The growth rate of "big health industry" in Shandong Province ranks first in the country

Time: 2020-06-04 09:43:46Views: Source:


Shandong Provincial Government issued the "Shandong Province Medical Health Industry Development Plan (2018-2022)" (Lu Zheng Zi [2018] No. 134). This is a special plan for the "health industry", which is one of the "top ten" industries of the province's major project for the transformation of new old energy and the first plan of health insdustry. As the basis and premise of industrial development, the plan will provide important leading and strategic guidance for the development of the province's medical and health care industry.


By 2020, the added value of the province's medical and health care industry reached 830 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of about 18%, of which the added value of the health service industry accounted for about 55%; by 2022, the added value of the province's medical and health care industry is expected to reach 1.15 trillion yuan, accounting for 11.5% of the gross regional product, becoming an important pillar industry of Shandong Province's national economy, of which the added value of the health service industry accounted for more than 60%, which will make the value of medical and health industry in Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai, Zibo, Linyi and other cities reach 100 billion yuan.


Secretary Liu Jiayi pointed out that there are three main reasons to make the medical and health care industry one of the five emerging industries:


First, the medical and health industry is an important engine for high-quality economic development.


Medical and health care industry is a sunrise industry and future industry with the integration of medical, pension, health, sports and other fields, and it has a long  industrial chain, supports and drive other industries. With a new round of scientific and technological revolution and accelerated industrial changes, and the deep integration of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other new generation of information, biological, engineering technology with medical health field, the new modes of health management, health care, health tourism, leisure and health, "Internet + health" and other health industry are emerging, which boosts the medical and health care industry.


Second, the medical and health industry is an important element for the improvement of people's livelihood and economic development.



The province's total population ranks second in the country, with 1.75 million births in 2017, accounting for one-tenth of the country; 21.37 million people aged 60 and above, accounting for 21.4% of the total population. The demand for services such as early childhood health care and elderly health care is growing. Medical and health care industry helps meet the people's new expectations for health services, and enhance the public's sense of access, happiness and security.


Third, Shandong province has the advantages and foundation to grow the medical and health care industry.


Shandong province is rich in medical and health resources, with good natural ecological environment, strong scientific and technological talent support, and has a number of national major innovation platforms and a number of medical and health industry clusters. It is also a pilot province of national health care data center construction, and the development of medical and health industry has a unique advantage. In 2016, the added value of medical and health industry reached nearly 430 billion yuan, accounting for 6.3% of regional GDP. According to the plan, the added value is expected to reach 1.15 trillion yuan in 2022, accounting for 11.5% of regional GDP, and the health industr will become an important pillar industry with trillions of added value.


I. Provincial policies in Shandong Province


1. The implementation plan of building towns with distinctive characteristics in Shandong


Goal: To build about 100 towns with distinctive characteristics by 2020.


Content of the plan: (1) Highlighting the leading industries and stretching the industrial chain in accordance with the requirements of a town with an industry or a product; (2) the planning area should be generally controlled within about 3 square kilometers, and about 1 square kilometer at the starting phase of construction area. (3) Investment in fixed assets should reach more than 3 billion yuan in five years in principle, with an annual investment of not less than 600 million yuan.




(1) Land support. All localities should include the lands for construction of small towns with distinctive characteristics in the lands for urban based on the overall land use planning.


(2) Government financial support. From 2016, funds of urbanization construction and others are used to support the construction of small towns with distinctive characteristics for their planning and design, facilities and public service platform, etc.


(C) Other financial support. Financial institutions are encouraged to increase credit support for small towns with distinctive characteristics.


(D) Talent support. Policies are introduced to attract and support Taishan scholars, Taishan industry leading talents, science and technology entrepreneurs, overseas scholars, who will play an active role in building small towns with distinctive characteristics.


【Policy Interpretation】This is a programmatic document for the development of small towns with distinctive characteristics in Shandong Province. The Plan makes clear provisions to provide policy support for the towns in the land, finance and talent, according to the objectives, standards, content, procedures, measures, organization and other aspects for the town development. This is also the first policy guided plan for the towns with distinctive characteristics in Shandong Province.


2. Notice of Shandong Development and Reform Commission on the pilot work of the town with service industry characteristics in shandong province


Fields: commerce and circulation, leisure and tourism, culture and creativity, pension and health care, etc. A number of towns with service industry characteristics are selected as the pilots.


Supporting measures.


(1) The city goverments should submit a list of the selected pilot towns to the provincial Development and Reform Commission for the record. The provincial Development and Reform Commission will issue the final list and provide financial support from the provincial service industry.


(2) The provincial Development and Reform Commission will coordinate the relevant consulting agencies to provide creativity, design, consultation, talent, marketing and other services for the pilot towns.


(C) The provincial Development and Reform Commission will collect information about construction and development of the pilot towns every quarter.


【Policy Interpretation】: Service industry plays an important role in promoting the transformation of the old into new dynamics of Shandong economy. In June 2017, 17 towns were selected as the first batch of pilot towns with service industry characteristics in Shandong, and the second batch of pilot towns are now under review for approval. These towns will enjoy the above-mentioned supporting policies.


Brief review of provincial policies for the towns with distinctive characteristics.


At present, the small town policy introduced in Shandong Province is mostly a guiding policy, without specific support methods. At present, only 110 million start-up funds are available for the 55 provincial towns included in the list to support planning, infrastructure, industrial parks, public service platform construction, etc. The support of 2 million for each town is a drop in the bucket, and the support is far from that of the national town (mainly in terms of low-interest loans).


II. Shandong Province land support policy


1, Shandong Provincial People's Government issued a "Notice on further promoting the use of rural unutilized land


According to the notice, Shandong Province will define the scope of the unutilized land in rural areas, carry out surveys and mapping, compile comprehensive improvement programs for unutilized land in rural areas, plan to put more than 20% of the total amount of unutilized land in rural areas into use every year and 100% of unutilized land in rural areas into use within 3-5 years. The land can be used for the rural lodging, health care, folk custom exhibition, creative office, rural tourism and other industrial projects.


The province will explore ways to utilize the unused land


01. Increase farmland.


The province should strengthen the organic integration of rural unutilized land remediation and modern agricultural development, and take advantage of the multi-functional and multi-benefit features of the land remediation. The exploited unutilized land can be used as the balance of indicators transfer after the verification.


The unutilized land can be included in the permanent basic farmland management afterpassing the assessment of the permanent basic farmland standards.


02. Guarantee the land of development.


The unutilized land should be first used for public infrastructure such as transportation and water conservancy, medical and health care, home care, heating facilities, garbage and sewage treatment, tourism and leisure, to improve the level of rural infrastructure level; Based on the planning and use management, it’s encouraged to use the unutilized land for rural lodging, elderly health care, folk custom exhibition, creative office, rural tourism and industrial projects such as cold chain, primary processing and storage of agricultural products by the ways of self-employment, rent, shareholding, joint venture, etc. In addition, the land can be used for housing for village members with the consent of all villagers.


03. Guarantee ecological land.


Based on the combination of town, village and nature, the unutilized land can be used for ecological land such as woodland, grassland, water and wetland, or for transport, water source protection, soil and water conservation facilities, or for green construction of farmland roads, to promote ecological tourism, ecological agriculture and recycling agriculture development, improve agricultural and rural ecological environment, and maintain regional ecological balance.


04. Guarantee land for cultural and sports facilities.


Based on the regional cultural heritage characteristics, the unutilized land can be used for cultural centers, cultural squares, cultural centers, libraries, sports venues and other public cultural and sports facilities construction.


05、Reserve land for development.


The unutilized land that has not yet been determined for the use can be reserved for rural infrastructure construction and industrial development without changing the land nature may not be changed according to the original land type and management.


III. Qingdao City supporting policies for the towns with distinctive characteristics


1. Opinions on accelerating the planning and construction of the towns with distinctive characteristics


Goal: To build 50 the towns with distinctive industrial characteristics, strong humanistic flavor, beautiful ecological environment and integrated of production and life in the city by 2020.


Requirements: (1) The town planning area is generally controlled within about 3 square kilometers, and the center construction area controlled within about 1 square kilometers. (2) Towns with distinctive characteristics should be guided by the principle of "blue, high-end, emerging". (3) The fixed asset investment of provincial and municipal towns with distinctive characteristics should reach more than 3 billion yuan within 5 years, with an annual investment of no less than 600 million yuan.




(1) Towns with distinctive characteristics are given the priority of land use. Construction projects of the towns with distinctive characteristics can be included into the annual city key projects, and the sub-projects enjoy the city's key projects preferential policies.


(2) Strengthen government financial support. City government provides 1 billion yuan and set up a fund of 5 billion yuan to support the infrastructure of the towns with distinctive characteristics.


(3) Increase financial support. Social capital are guided to participate in the development of towns with distinctive characteristics, and are encouraged to use PPP model to promote the infrastructure in the towns.


(4) Bolster the support for talents. All kinds of talents recruited in the towns with distinctive characteristics enjoy the favorable talent policies by the city and district (city), and the qualified high-level talents are included in the "Qingdao Talent 211 Plan".


(5) Provide the precise services. According to the industrial category of the towns with distinctive characteristics, detailed support policies should be formulated, and major projects should be reviewed case by case to build up policy support.


(6) Build innovation and entrepreneurship platform. The towns with distinctive characteristics that are recognized as a municipal incubator will receive a one-time grant of 1 million yuan; those that are recognized as a national science and technology business incubator will receive a one-time grant of 2 million yuan.


[Interpretation] Policy support for the towns with distinctive characteristics inn Qingdao. The "Opinions" make detailed provisions based on the goals, requirements, standardized procedures, guarantee measures, organizational leadership and other aspects. Corresponding to the guiding requirements of the provincial plan, more specific financial support policies are proposed in terms of financial support and town incubators, but for the current Qingdao town with tens of billions of investment, this part of the funds does not solve the problems of the long construction cycle and slow return on investment.


2. Guidelines and supporting policies for Qingdao West Coast New Area industrial towns 




1. Scientific planning. It’s reuqired to focus on the integration of industry and city, and reasonably plan the layout of production, living and ecological space.      


2. Intensive land use. Industrial town land is controlled within 3 square kilometers, industrial construction area is not less than 60% of the total construction area of the project, and the investment of the construction land is not less than 6.7 million yuan per mu.


3. High-tech industry. Innovative element resources should be pooled together, to develop leading industrial clusters and build well-known brands.


4. Green ecology. A sponge-type city will be built, and green buildings should reach two-star standard or above.


5. Cultural guidance. Distinctive cultural elements should be integrated into different industrial categories, to realize the unity of environmental beauty, cultural beauty and humanistic beauty, and improve the taste and style of industrial towns.


6. Supporting facilities. It’s necessary to build convenient and complete infrastructure, and high standard commercial, cultural, educational, medical, information and other public service facilities.


Supporting policies:                  


1. Planning policy. Certain preferential subsidies are given to those who reach the two-star and three-star standards of green buildings and provide public service buildings to the society without charges. The mode of "multi-use of one land" should be promoted.


2. Land policy. Differentiated land supply should be implemented, and policies of flexible transfer of state-owned construction land use rights, integrated land planning and land management for urban construction should be adopted. Land payment for industrial projects can be paid in installments within one year, and quality projects can be extended to two years.


3. Science and technology policy. Major special projects for independent innovation is rewarded with funds, and intellectual property rights and science and technology services are also subsidized.


4. Financial policy. Referring to the financial policies such as financial industry development special fund management measures of the New Area, the tripartite linkage of government, enterprise and bank should be promoted, financial institutions are encouraged to increase their credit support to the construction of the industrial town and the enterprises stationed there and will receive corresponding policy incentives; the new financial institutions, equity funds, listed enterprises and other institutions stationed in the industrial town will receive policy support of up to 15 million yuan.


5. Industrial policy. The high-end and high-tech industries of culture and creativity, science and technology research and development, health and leisure, tourism and vacation, and blue finance in the industrial town receive reward and support according to the new industrial and talent policy, to promote industrial innovation and development. It’s encouraged to attract high-end talent teams and international leading high-end industrial projects which will receive the funding of up to 100 million yuan.

6. Government services. "One-to-one" service are provided for key projects with fast approval.