Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Li Baodong: Health is a necessary premise for the sustainable development of human

Time: 2021-06-02 23:45:16Views: Source: BFA


On June 2, Secretary-General Li Baodong delivered a welcome speech at the opening ceremony of the second Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia.


Li Baodong said that over the past year or so, the global pandemic of Covid-19 has seriously threatened human life and health, and affected global economic and social development. The epidemic sounded alarm bells across the world, urged the international community to pay more attention to health issues and highlighted the urgency and complexity of global public health governance. The epidemic has brought us important insights: One’s health is the foundation of one’s life, so people’s health is the foundation of a nation and human health is the way to build the world. Solving health issues is a necessary premise for sustainable development.



Viruses respect no borders, and the global epidemic requires the international community to work together in response. In a speech delivered at the recent Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference and Global Health Summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on all countries to shoulder responsibility and work together to build a health community with a shared future for mankind. This initiative was widely resonated and supported by the leaders of participating countries, international organizations, and representatives from the political, business and academic sectors, and will be the purpose and goal of Global Health Forum.


The theme of this year's Global Health Forum is "Health Beyond Health", and the slogan is "Health for All". As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "A roc cannot fly with a feather; and a steed cannot run with a single foot". In today's highly globalized world, achieving the goal of "Health for All" requires the collaboration and joint efforts of the international community. Boao Forum for Asia is willing to set up a platform, build consensus and make contributions for international exchanges and cooperation in the field of health, the development of human health and a better future for mankind.