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Mini-Naadam at the BFA Ulaanbaatar Conference

Time: 2019-08-20 14:16:24Views: Source: Original




On August 19, Mini-Naadam, as a side event of the BFA Ulaanbaatar Conference, started with the music played by horse-headed fiddles, to welcome the VIP guests attending BFA Ulaanbaatar Conference.


A dance “The King and the Queen” presented the scene of life in Genghis Khan's time. Then wrestling, horse racing and archery took place, showing strength and the spirit of unity with mutual respect between people.


As Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia Damdin Tsogtbaatar said in his opening remarks, the Naadam is a Mongolian festival, a mix of sport and culture, and a cultural event that combines performing arts, cultural cuisine and dance music, and showcases a thousand-year legacy of nomadic civilization. The event is held to welcome the distinguished guests from all over the world, and shows Mongolia's hospitality and the importance the Mongolian government attached to the conference. It’s hoped that the participants can strengthen ties and deepen friendship with good communication through the events of the conference.


It’s a beautiful day with bright sunshine and fresh air. Participants enjoyed the delightful scenery or wonderful programs to spend a splendid day together.