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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia holds a Welcome Dinner for BFA Ulaanbaatar Conference

Time: 2019-08-20 13:46:20Views: Source: BFA

On August 19, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia held a welcome dinner for the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) meeting in Ulaanbaatar, which was attended by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia Damdin Tsogtbaatar, BFA Chairman Ban Ki-moon, BFA Secretary General Mr. Li Baodong, Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia Xing Haiming and other representatives.


Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia Damdin Tsogtbaatar said in his welcome speech that it was the first time that Boao Forum for Asia held a meeting in Mongolia. The rapid and stable economic development of China brings more opportunities for regional countries and gives more connotations to China-Mongolia relationship. The Mongolian side is willing to strengthen the tie between the "Path to Development" strategy with the "Belt and Road" initiative in terms of policy, trade, infrastructure, finance and humanistic exchanges, and to jointly build the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor. The BFA Ulaanbaatar meeting will demonstrate strong support for multilateral mechanisms and regional cooperation, advocate dialogue and cooperation between countries.


BFA Secretary-General Li Baodong said that the current unilateralism and protectionism bring many uncertainties to the prospects of global development. Boao Forum for Asia has always been a strong supporter of multilateralism and globalization. Over the past year, the Forum has held thematic meetings in several Asian countries, playing an active role in promoting practical cooperation among regional countries. Mongolia is one of the initiating countries of the Forum and an active participant in its activities. The BFA Ulaanbaatar meeting will certainly strengthen the ties between the Forum and Mongolia, help Chinese and other entrepreneurs to gain a deeper understanding of Mongolia's business environment and investment policies, exploit the potential of trade and investment, encourage pragmatic economic and trade cooperation, and promote common development.


Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia Xing Haiming said that the Asian economy is booming driven by Boao Forum for Asia and other economic organizations. At present, the global trade system is facing challenges, and it is more necessary to advocate multilateralism. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia, and the 5th anniversary of President Xi Jinping's visit to Mongolia to enhance bilateral relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership. China is willing to deepen strategic cooperation with Asian countries, including Mongolia, adhere to multilateralism, advocate a fair and reasonable international trade system, safeguard economic globalization, and jointly build a community of shared future.


At the dinner, according to the Mongolian traditions, Minister Damdin Tsogtbaatar invited Chairman Ban Ki-moon to cut a roasted lamb. Performers dressed in traditional Mongolian costumes sang and danced, and the guests had a good time. The song "Night at Ulaanbaatar" sung by Foreign Minister Damdin Tsogtbaatar brought the dinner to its climax.