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BFA Vice Chairman Zhou Xiaochuan Meets with BFA Board Member Mr. Yousef

Time: 2019-10-28 15:53:44Views: Source: BFA



On October 27, Zhou Xiaochuan, Vice Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), visited the headquarters of Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC) and met with Mr. Yousef Abdullah Al-Benyan, Board Member of BFA and Vice Chairman and CEO of SABIC. Li Baodong, Secretary-General of BFA, Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh, Executive Vice President of Petrochemicals of SABIC, attended the meeting.


Vice Chairman Zhou thanked SABIC and Mr. Al-Benyan for their consistent support to BFA since its inception. He also briefed Mr. Al-Benyan about the Working Meeting of the Board of Directors of BFA concluded in early October. Currently, the world economy is slowing down and multilateralism is facing challenges. In this context, the Board of Directors of BFA proposed several global issues to be discussed at BFA Annual Conference 2020, in the hope of building synergy with the G20 summit through relevant theme and topics. BFA stands ready to provide full support to Saudi Arabia, which will be hosting the G20 Summit next year, said Zhou.


Mr. Al-Benyan said that by following a diversified approach, the Asia-based BFA has grown into an international organization with a global outlook. As the president of the B20 summit, Mr. Al-Benyan looks forward to engaging more Asian business leaders in the summit through BFA’s platform and networks, so as to send a positive message to Asia and the world about safeguarding globalization and promoting inclusive growth. Saudi Arabia is ready to step up its cooperation with BFA and help increase BFA’s presence in the region.