Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Sanofi Director of Public Affairs visit GHF Organizing Committee

Time: 2019-10-29 17:21:43Views: Source: Original



On October 29, Ren Weiwei, Sanofi Director of Public Affairs, visited the Organizing Committee of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia.


The organizing committee introduced the first conference and the preparation work of the second conference. Ren Weiwei said that she had a deeper understanding of the forum and the spirit it conveyed, and hoped to have more in-depth communication with the organizing committee to establish connections with more hospitals and enterprises and jointly promote the industry.


The organizing committee welcomed Sanofi to participate in the second conference, and also hoped that the forum platform could facilitate the development of enterprises and promote the integration of government, business and academia. the two sides agreed to further promote in-depth cooperation in the 2nd conference as soon as possible.