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The Central Steering Group to Hubei visits medical workers and inspects community prevention and control work

Time: 2020-01-31 09:21:13Views: Source: XINHUANET

In the past few days, many medical workers are fully committed to the fight against the epidemic at the front line. On the 30th, commissioned by President Xi Jinping and on behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, Sun Chunlan, member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and Vice Premier, led the Central Steering Group to Hubei into the hospitals and places where medical staff stayed, to visit the medical workers, and saw into the situation of community epidemic prevention and control and residents' living conditions.


"You have given us confidence and strength, and you are the heroes in the fight against the epidemic!" At the Sino-French New City of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Sun Chunlan paid high tribute and heartfelt thanks to the medical workers who perform their duties with selfless dedication. She said that since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, medical workers have been at the forefront, fighting bravely, showing the dedication of self-sacrifice and the professional spirit, which deserve our respect. At present, the epidemic situation is still very serious, suspected and confirmed cases are still increasing, and there are many critically ill patients. It is important to implement the deployment of the Central Leading Group for Responding to the New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic and to enhance the protection and security of medical staff. I hope that our medical workers will continue to work hard, while protecting themselves, play a leading role in the fight against the epidemic, and work together to win the battle.


Sun Chunlan visited the hospital's warehouse to see into the situation of medical protective clothing, masks and other materials. She said that every effort must be made to provide material support for medical staff and ensure their safety.


"What do you suggest for the current treatment and protection?" At the residence of the national medical team in Hubei, Sun Chunlan listened to the opinions and suggestions of the medical team members while visiting everyone. For the problem of difficult and long process of confirming the suspected cases in Wuhan, she immediately asked the local health and disease control departments to simplify the process to win valuable time for saving patients. She said that the national medical team to aid the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan has gathered the best medical resources, not only with excellent medical skills, but also with rich experience in saving lives and helping the injured, which should be summarized and promoted across the country.


In the afternoon, the Steering Group came to the South Lake Community and Longcheng Community Health Service Center of Guan Dong Street, East Lake High-tech Zone, Wuhan City, and Miaoshan Wushu Village of Jiangxia Economic Development Zone, where they talked with community workers, volunteers and grassroots medical workers to see into the epidemic prevention and control situation in the community and the living conditions of residents, and urged them to strengthen prevention and control, do a good job in screening and other work while ensuring safety, and be the guardian of the residents. She asked that party members and cadres at all levels should take the responsibility and always rush to the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Various means such as WeChat, radio and TV should be adopted in urban and rural communities to let more residents know about the epidemic prevention and control situation and self-prevention and control knowledge. It’s also necessary to always pay attention to the residents' mentality in a timely manner and ensure the supply of daily food and daily necessities for the residents.