Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Boao Forum for Asia Secretariat Holds Global Health Forum Long-distance preparatory work meeting for the Second Conference

Time: 2020-03-09 16:33:11Views: Source: BFA


On March 9, a long-distance preparatory work meeting was held at Boao Forum for Asia Secretariat. Secretary-General Li Baodong presided over the meeting. Dr. Margaret Chan, President of Global Health Forum, Mr. Wang Qingxian, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Committee, Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee, Mr. Jie Yi and Mr. Luo Xielong, Deputy directors of Organizing Committee attended the meeting and delivered speeches.


Secretary-General Li Baodong claimed that the Second Conference of the Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia will be held in Qingdao on schedule in mid-June. The current COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic makes the preparations for the Conference face new situation, and we need to conduct in-depth research and do the work well. The COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic is a major public health emergency with the fastest transmission speed, the widest infection range and the most difficult prevention and control since the founding of New China. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as its core, the Chinese government has taken the utmost and strictest measures to prevent and control the epidemic, which have achieved remarkable results. The international community makes positive comments on the firm determination, unity, and unremitting efforts of Chinese leaders, the Chinese government, and the people in terms of prevention and control of the epidemic. Shandong Province and Qingdao City, with rapid response to the central deployment, forcefully supported Hubei and Wuhan in fighting against the epidemic, and achieved positive achievements in epidemic prevention, control and resumption of work and production. At the forefront of the country, they demonstrated unique advantages in materials and talents in the field of health, setting a good example and laying the foundation for hosting Global Health Forum as scheduled successfully.


Secretary-General Li Baodong said that because of the epidemic, the world's attention to health issues has reached an unprecedented level, which also highlights the role of the Conference of the Global Health Forum. The evolvement of the situation shows that it is very necessary and essential to establish the Global Health Forum under the framework of Boao Forum for Asia, which will certainly play a more active role in promoting the development of global health business and health industry.


Li Baodong expressed that the epidemic brought new thinking for how to run the Second Conference well and it needs to focus on four issues as follows.


First, how to respond to major public health emergencies. This outbreak is a big test for public health emergency management system for both China and the world. President Xi Jinping made important instructions on how to improve China's national public health emergency management system. The Second Conference shall make an active discussion on the most concerned and urgent issue of China and the international community, contributing to the global battle against the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic and the strengthening the establishment of the health system.


Second, how to promote the development of the One-health industry. The epidemic will inject new impetus into the development of related industries such as the R&D of vaccines and medicines, production of anti-epidemic equipment and emergency medical equipment. The new demands and new forms of business caused by the epidemic shall be included in the discussion scope of the Conference of the Global Health Forum.


Third, how to boost international health cooperation. This outbreak once again, reminds us that the virus has no borders and that global cooperation and coordination are needed for epidemic prevention and control. The Second Conference of the Global Health Forum should continue to strengthen cooperation with the World Health Organization, other international organizations and relevant countries, contributing wisdom and strength to the global fight against the epidemic.


Fourth, how to understand and promote the work in the field of health in a more comprehensive way. The impact of the epidemic is far beyond the health field itself, and it is related to economic and social development, public security and even international relations. Through the Conference of the Global Health Forum, we should further promote the whole society to pay attention to health problems and do a better job in the health field.


Li Baodong put forward three requirements for the preparation of the Conference for the next stage: First, continue to carefully study and judge the global epidemic situation and make corresponding plans; Second, according to the development of the epidemic situation, the main agenda of the Conference, the arrangement of various activities and the invitation of relevant participants should be adjusted in time, reflect the new thinking brought by the epidemic situation and the urgent expectation of the international community for cooperation in responding to major public health emergencies; Third, through the Second Conference, China's experience in fighting the epidemic should be shared with the international community.



In her speech, Dr. Margaret Chan spoke highly of China's measures and contributions to tackle the outbreak, and made an in-depth and professional analysis of the development of the COVID-19 pneumonia epidemic and its impact on the economy and society, and put forward suggestions on how to adjust the agenda and preparations for the Second Conference.


Secretary Wang Qingxian introduced the Qingdao's rigorous measures for prevention and control of the epidemic, resumption of work and production and the preparations for the Conference. He also suggested to hold a successful Global Health Expo, which will enhance the global exchange of health products and technologies; strongly drive the exchange and development of Industry-University-Research in the field of health, and transform knowledge into products; give full play to the role of capital in improving the development of health industry and the mutual advancement of health industry and the capital itself.


Deputy directors Jie and Luo of Organizing Committee of the Conference introduced the progress of the preparatory work for the Conference, and stated that they will implement the spirit and requirements of the work meeting and make the preparatory work a success.