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“Social-media influencer” Wang Qingxian, Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee, participates in a livestreaming event to promote the private enterprises Qingdao

Time: 2020-06-07 13:55:22Views: Source:

Wang Qingxian, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Committee, Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee, has 18 years of experience in the media, and is a “Social-media influencer” who is popular among his fans because of his advanced theories and bold voice online. He has recently "live-streamed" to encourage the entrepreneurs, discuss business opportunities and introduce investment projects, attracting 3.3 million entrepreneurs, businessmen, netizens and fans to watch online, and raising the visibility of Qingdao and himself.


When talking about the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on the economy, Wang Qingxian said, "A major crisis must contain a major opportunity, this is the law. Crisis will bring change, change will impact the old order and the old pattern, and breaking the old order is an opportunity for the newborn." It is foreseeable that after this epidemic, many industrial rules, supply chains, market patterns and business models will be changed. Qingdao is very willing to work with more entrepreneurs to seize and create opportunities from the crisis and difficulties, turning pressure into stress and adversity into opportunities.


Wang Qingxian once told the public that he " has a good understanding of the enterprise and the entrepreneurs", and proposed that "new officials ignore old scores" means legal illiteracy and is an illegal act. "Whoever dare not support the private economy, is not confident either in cordial and clean government-business relationship, or in their own party spirit."


“Put life first”


On June 2, Wang Qingxian, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Committee and Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee, attended the online expert meeting on the preparatory work of the second Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia and elaborated his reflections on the human rights under the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic.



Wang Qingxian said that the global epidemic of Covid-19 made us fully aware that human beings are indeed a community of shared future. In the face of the epidemic, no one in the world, regardless of race, religion, color or language, can be confident that they are immune, for the epidemic cannot tolerate anyone's caprice and arrogance. Likewise, the epidemic has made us think more and more deeply about the relationship between human beings and nature, human beings and the world.


The different ways of preventing the epidemic do show that countries have different values of life. In the face of the epidemic, the most important thing to China is the value of survival. In the sense of human rights, China first respects the right to survival, regardless of gender, age, east or west, north or south, all have equal rights in the sense of survival. Protecting the young means protecting the future, and likewise, protecting the elderly gives those who are young today the hope of a brighter future. In fact, China has effectively prevented and controlled the epidemic and brought the working life of people back to normal immediately, with its unique institutional strengths and respect for the right to survival.


Wang Qingxian emphasized that the different ways of preventing the epidemic around the world reflect different values of life, but no matter what, given China's effective control of the epidemic, China's logic of putting people and life first and "life equality" should be respected.


For a developing country like China, with a population of 1.4 billion, insufficient medical resources and a health care system that is not yet fully developed, how remarkable it is to have effectively controlled the raging epidemic in a short period! And what a contribution to the world! This will become clearer when we look back on today's situation some day. Qingxian Wang finally talked about how to understand human health? “I think this is not just a medical issue, but also a bioethical issue”.


The local media in Shandong reported on January 31 that Wang Qingxian, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Committee and Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee, had been working on the front line of the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic since the first day of the Lunar New Year.


On January 24, Shandong Province launched a major public health emergency level I response, and on the morning of January 25, the first day of the Lunar New Year, Wang Qingxian presided over a coordination meeting for the prevention and control of the epidemic in Qingdao. Before the meeting, he went to the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention for coordination.


On January 27, Wang Qingxian went into the remote consultation center of Qingdao University Hospital for Covid-19 experts again, and connected with patients and medical staff through the consultation system. During the investigation, he visited the offices randomly in order to know the real situation. He also stressed on many occasions the need to pay full attention to the possible major impact of the epidemic and to support the prevention and control of the epidemic in Hubei.


During the Spring Festival holiday, Qingdao producers of medical consumables, protective equipment and other epidemic prevention and control materials responded immediately and worked overtime. Premier Li Keqiang promised in Wuhan in the morning that "20,000 sets of goggles must be shipped here tonight". And that night, 20,000 sets of goggles from Qingdao Bestex Medical & Health Products Co. arrived in Wuhan, which gained high praise all over the country.


Introducing business opportunities in livestreaming events


Wang Qingxian majored in philosophy when at college, and is known as a popular social-media influencer because of his advanced theories and bold voice on the Internet. He has 18 years of experience in the media, and worked as a front-line journalist and a director of publicity who had influence in public opinions. Beside, he also has more than 10 years of experience in the government of western regions.


On January 29, 2019, Wang Qingxian was appointed secretary of Qingdao CPC Committee, and 36 days after he took office, he proposed that Qingdao should "learn from Shenzhen and catch up with Shenzhen", and the first thing to do is to "learn from Shenzhen's entrepreneurs and catch up with Shenzhen's entrepreneurs". He said he “had a good understanding about the enterprises, ands the entrepreneur", and "new officials ignore old scores" means legal illiteracy and is an illegal act.


On the 15th of last November, themed on "discovering the future of Huawei in Qingdao" Qingdao held an innovation conference of private economy and awarding ceremony of Qingdao's top 100 private enterprises. Wang Qingxian presented awards to the representatives of the top 100 private enterprises at the conference, and said in his speech, "Whoever dare not support the private economy, is not confident either in cordial and clean government-business relationship, or in their own party spirit."


Wang Qingxian connected with private entrepreneurs in the "supporting enterprises initiative", communicating with entrepreneurs and businessmen online on "Responding to the trend and turning crisis into opportunities" (Photo from the Internet).


As a Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Committee and Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee, Wang Qingxian has recently been popular again on the Internet, because he participated in a livestreaming event where he connected with private entrepreneurs in the "Supporting enterprises initiative", focusing on " Responding to the trend and turning crisis into opportunities to ensure the development of enterprises". They discussed the issues of government's policies for enterprises, work resume measures and other specific issues, analyze the challenges and opportunities brought by the Covid-19 epidemic, and promote the epidemic prevention and control and the development of economy and the society.


Four entrepreneurs delivered keynote speeches and shared their solutions online, attracting 3.3 million entrepreneurs, businessmen and other participants to watch the live broadcast online.


Wang Qingxian said, "A major crisis must contain a big opportunity, this is the law. Crisis will bring changes, and changes will impact the old order and old pattern, and breaking the old order is an opportunity for the newborn."


Xiu Laigui, chairman of Xiuzheng Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., said that when the resources are gathering in the world, he and Wang Qingxian, Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee, had a discussion not long ago and suggested to build a world-class biomedical and health city in the west coast area to attract industry organizations and talents from all over the world to settle in Qingdao.

Secretary Wang Qingxian praised Xiu Laigui's proposal online and encouraged him to come up with a detailed plan, and the government would frame the supporting policy to provide assistance for the entrepreneurs.


At the meeting, Qingdao also sent an invitation to global entrepreneurs to attract investment: Qingdao takes new infrastructure construction as an important path and support to achieve future development goals, and will launch a number of infrastructure construction investment projects to attract investment from the world in batches in the next 5 to 10 years.


Xue Qingguo, member of the Standing Committee of Qingdao Municipal Committee of the CPC and executive vice mayor of Qingdao, said that Qingdao Municipal Government has made clear planning arrangements regarding the anti-epidemic measures and economic development. In terms of investment in leading industries, several online events have been held since the Spring Festival, including more than 300 projects and reaching more than 340 billion yuan of investment. For Qingdao’s investment in development, Secretary Wang Qingxian has proposed to focus on the layout of 5G, integrated circuits, intelligent home appliances, artificial intelligence, etc., and has attracted investment in nearly 16 industrial chains and nearly 60 types of industrial sections.


Devotion to turning crises into opportunities with entrepreneurs


Wang Qingxian said at the seminar that since the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, Chinese President Xi Jinping has made important instructions on the prevention and control of the epidemic on different occasions. In particular, on February 23, at a meeting on the coordination of the prevention and control of the and the work deployment of economic and social development, Xi stressed that the impact of the epidemic is short-term and generally controllable, and as long as we turn pressure into strength and turn adversity into opportunities, we will be able to achieve the annual economic development goals and accomplish the tasks this year.


Yu Dexiang, Chairman of TGOOD said that since the epidemic, Qingdao municipal government aims to stabilize employment, stabilize finance, stabilize foreign trade, stabilize foreign investment, stabilize investment and stabilize expectations, effectively diminishing the impact of the epidemic on the economy.


"On the lunar New Year's Day, the municipal government dispatched once a day to analyze the problems faced by enterprises and began to invite suggestions on the 18 supporting policies summarized through research and turning to the needs of entrepreneurs." Yu Dexiang clearly remembered that on the eleventh of January in lunar year Qingdao issued a series of 18 policies to support private enterprises to ensure their operation and stable development.


Wang Qingxian said, in the context of regular epidemic prevention and control, whether the city, enterprises or individuals, are faced with the problem of how to seek opportunities in crisis and turn adversity into opportunities. A major crisis must contain a big opportunity. As a major crisis must bring major changes, changes are the opportunity of the newcomers. Therefore, "crisis" and "opportunity" is actually a different side of the same thing. The difference is that some people see the "crisis" and others see the "opportunity". The important thing is that whoever sees the future in the adversity first and is willing to change themselves to adapt to the future will be capable and ready to lead the future.


He also recalled with the entrepreneurs the challenges and opportunities brought by the SARS in 2003: people were afraid to go out on the street and started to try to buy things online, and the e-commerce ushered in a new opportunity for remarkable development. Financial regulators issued the first third-party payment license for private enterprises in 2003. This is the policy dividend brought by the crisis. Those who seize the opportunity have talents to adapt to the times and grasp the opportunities of the times.


To ensure that the work and production can be resumed under the prevention and control of the epidemic, Wang Qingxian has been at the front line to check and supervise the work many times. (Photo source: internet)


According to Wang Qingxian, it is foreseeable that many industrial rules, supply chains, market patterns and business models will be changed after this epidemic. Qingdao is very willing to work with more entrepreneurs to seize and create opportunities from the crisis and difficulties, to turn pressure into strength and adversity into opportunities.


In Shandong Province, at the critical stage of promoting epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, the provincial party committee and provincial government held a mobilization meeting for the "Year of Key Tasks", which made arrangements for the deployment of reform in nine aspects, with special emphasis on the reform tasks.


Wang Qingxian stressed that the "difficulties" refers to the issues and problems in economic and social development; To overcome these difficulties relies on reform. Promoting opening up can not be separated from the market, the rule of law and international business environment. Qingdao will remove the unscientific, unreasonable systems and processes, carry out top coordination and flat management to promote the efficiency in the business and society by the innovation of government working rules and simplified process, and to turn the government into a market-oriented, law-respecting, professional, open, service-oriented and efficient government. Especially for the enterprises which have more difficulties under the epidemic, we need to issue favorable policies, implement the action of overcoming difficulties by the officials, and keep in touch with the enterprises to respond to their needs and provide them with assistance in their development.


Wang Qingxian suggested that the officials, as the "key minority", should have a broad vision and an open mind and exceptional ability. It is an important method to put through reform by the way of opening up. Qingdao will make full use of it to promote the nine reform tasks.


[Source: Dabai Financial Watch, Qingdao Municipality, Qingdao News, People's Daily  and Sina Finance, etc.]

 Reviewer: Li Fei Editor: Yi Zhou