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BFA20th|Mao Chaofeng: A Showcase of Opening up in China

Time: 2021-01-04 11:17:45Views: Source: BFA


Mao Chaofeng

Board Member of Boao Forum for Asia

The rivers are brimming with a vibrant splendor, and the ocean radiates a rosy sheen. The warm breeze fills the garden as blossoms burst forth. It’s spring time. It’s Boao time. 

Each spring, distinguished guests gather in the township of Boao to contribute their wisdom to Asian and global development. The 20-year old Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) has become an international conference of global influence. In the past 20 years, the Forum witnessed one of the most dynamic chapters in the Asian economy. Charged with the historic mission of promoting Asian integration and common prosperity, the BFA continues to sound the trumpet of building a community with a shared future for Asia and ultimately a community with a shared future for mankind.

As the host country, China has also stepped onto the world’s center stage along with the growth of the BFA. Over the past 20 years, China continued to open up in the context of economic globalization, serving as an engine of global economic growth. Amidst the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s commitment to openness and globalization have injected confidence into the world’s economic recovery. Through the Forum, China has embraced the world and the world has learned more about China. As an important platform for political and business dialogue, the BFA has become a showcase for China’s opening-up and has demonstrated to the world China’s commitment to reform.

Celebrating its 20th birthday, the BFA is in its prime days, ready to set sail anew. Tank full, rudder steady -- this giant ship is sailing full speed ahead, braving wind and waves towards a brighter future.

The Boao Forum for Asia is the first non-governmental, non-profit international conference that is based in China with a permanent site and fixed dates. Since its inception, the Chinese government has made a solemn commitment to the forum’s success. Chinese leaders grace the Annual Conference with their presence every year, holding state events and major diplomatic activities for foreign leaders on the sidelines.


" Thanks to the care and support of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Boao Forum for Asia has gained more fame and influence. Along with the event, Hainan itself has witnessed rapid development and great prosperity." 

Since I was transferred to Hainan from my previous post in Henan in early 2013, I have been charged with the responsibility of guaranteeing services, including security, for the Annual Conferences. I am particularly impressed by the attention the BFA and Hainan Province get from the CPC Central Committee with comrade Xi Jinping at its core.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the Forum and delivered keynote speeches in 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2018. For the last three, he attended the Annual Conference as the President of China.

The 2013 Annual Conference was the first one for me after I came to Hainan. I was in charge of security. That year, President Xi held welcome ceremonies, bilateral meetings and signing ceremonies for the heads of state from Myanmar, Kazakstan, Peru, Mexico, Zambia and Finland. The coconut trees and seaside views made those state events truly refreshing and memorable. That Annual Conference was also the first instance in BFA history to gather leaders from all five continents. It marks a milestone in the Forum’s efforts to “go global”.

As President Xi pointed out in the keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Annual Conference, “We live in the same global village. It is important to foster a sense of a community with a shared future. We must follow the trend of the times and work in solidarity to advance the development of Asia and beyond to a new level.” It was the first time on a multilateral international occasion that President Xi raised the idea of a community with a shared future and advocated it as a major driver for world development. After attending the Annual Conference, General Secretary Xi inspected Hainan and made some important remarks. He urged Hainan to serve as a living example of socialism with Chinese characteristics and to write its own chapter in the Beautiful China story. He further highlighted the unique position of Hainan in China’s overall reform and opening up. This echoes the national strategy of establishing the Hainan Free Trade Port, an initiative personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi in the ensuing years. Hainan has all along enjoyed close attention from China’s top leader.

In early 2015, I was put in charge of foreign affairs in Hainan. The provincial government has put in place a mature mechanism to meet the needs of the BFA’s Annual Conferences. HainanForeign Affairs Office, one of the departments under my scope of responsibility, was the leading agency of the mechanism . It was also in that year that I was elected to the Board of Directors of the BFA and became more deeply involved in the Forum.

That year’s Annual Conference garnered many highlights and achievements. In his keynote speech at the opening ceremony, President Xi Jinping proposed “building a community with a shared future for Asia to pave the way for a community with a shared future for mankind.” To that end, he put forward four principles: mutual respect and equal treatment of all nations; win-win cooperation and common development; common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security; and inclusiveness and mutual learning between civilizations. It was the first systematic elaboration by General Secretary Xi Jinping of the concept of and pathways for building a community with a shared future. He started with the vision of building a community with a shared future for Asia and followed it with a complete theoretical framework for creating a shared future for all humanity. During the Annual Conference, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce co-published the Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road. It was also during that Annual Conference that many countries signed up for AIIB, signifying a solid step forward for the Belt and Road initiative.

It’s worth noting that in the course of the Annual Conference, Madame Peng Liyuan, wife of President Xi Jinping, invited spouses of some foreign leaders to visit a featured local village—Beiren Village. Such a diplomatic activity for the first ladies rounded out and added a sense of culture and flair to the meeting.

Hidden amongst the coconut trees, this small village in southern China is endowed with idyllic scenery and an untainted local culture. Through a deep integration of agriculture and tourism, it has become a perfect escape for leisure seekers.

In amongst blossoms and coconut trees, Madame Peng invited Margit Fischer (First Lady of Austria), Janet Museveni (First Lady of Uganda), Esther Lungu (First Lady of Zambia) and Anita Yadav (daughter of the President of Nepal) into a traditional open dwelling, the “Beiren Lounge” to appreciate the folk art of coconut carving and brocades of the Li ethnic group. The ladies also enjoyed local coffee, tropical fruits and other featured refreshments. They exchanged greetings and held friendly chats with local villagers in great amity.

This first lady diplomacy illustrated the charm of a new socialist countryside featuring a sound natural environment and a unique cultural legacy. It has also brought Beiren village great fame. The villagers were compelled to pursue a new business model integrating agriculture and tourism and saw their incomes soar. The success of Beiren village further strengthened our confidence in the strategy of rejuvenating Hainan though the development of its stunning villages. A large number of villages followed suit, serving as venues for recreational tourism, diplomatic meetings, investment conferences and countryside strolls. In recent years, Hainan has vigorously pursued such forms of diplomacy and investment. Beautiful villages such as Nanqiang village, Shamei village and Liuke village have become important “Reception Lounges” for diplomatic and commercial activities. Idyllic villages have turned into the perfect venue for international exchanges. Leveraging this concept of “beautiful villages as reception lounges,” Hainan blazed a new trail of supporting the development of these villages through the BFA. It is the perfect example of how the BFA helps bolster the development and opening up of Hainan.  

2018 marks the 30th anniversary of Hainan Province and Hainan Special Economic Zone. It is also the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up in the province. Therefore, that year was of special significance for both Hainan and the BFA. To prepare for the Annual Conference, we started communicating with the BFA Secretariat in the immediate wake of the 2017 Annual Conference. We agreed to hold the 30th anniversary celebration immediately after the BFA Annual Conference. When the plan was submitted to the Central Government, it was well approved. Better still, General Secretary Xi instructed us that he would attend the Annual Conference in person and announce major policy support for Hainan. The proposal was also endorsed by members of the Board of Directors. Given the international situation at that time, they all believed that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s presence at the Annual Conference and his declaration of China’s commitment to greater opening up would be crucial for global free trade and economic globalization.

In April 2018, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. He expounded on the great achievements, experience and significance of China’s reform and opening up in the past 40 years and unveiled a series of practical measures to further deepen the country’s opening up policy. In particular, he pointed out that over the past few decades, Hainan has transformed itself from an enclosed and backward island into one of the most open and dynamic areas in China. With its remarkable economic and social achievements, Hainan bore witness to China’s four decades of reform and opening up. In his speech, President Xi presented the story of Beautiful Hainan through concrete examples: its sound natural environment, agreeable weather and lovely folk songs. He also showcased Hainan’s development in the greater context of global development by declaring China’s commitment to reform and opening up and its initiative to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The speech was not only a celebration of Hainan’s achievements, but also a call to deepen reform and opening up. This has profound and far-reaching significance as a guide for building a Hainan that is economically robust, civilized, of sound environment and home to happy residents.

After attending the Annual Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping went on an inspection tour in Hainan and attended the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Hainan Special Economic Zone on April 13th. In his speech, he announced the CPC Central Committee’s decision to support the establishment of an island-wide pilot free trade zone and a free trade port with Chinese characteristics in Hainan. His remarks energized Hainan to deepen reform and opening up and accelerate scientific development in the new era. Over the past two years, we have followed General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions and implemented the spirit of his speech on April 13th with tremendous drive and a strong sense of responsibility. We are building Hainan Free Trade Port to the highest standards to turn the “master plan” into reality.

Attention from the top leader is as nourishing as a spring breeze. Thanks to the care and support of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Boao Forum for Asia has gained more fame and influence. Along with the event, Hainan itself has witnessed rapid development and great prosperity.

" What the “Boao Miracle” and “Hainan Speed” demonstrate is the strength and hardwork of the people of Hainan and their sense of responsibility to the national event. Both are vivid examples of the daring, pioneering and industrious spirit of the Special Economic Zone."

Over the past two decades since the inception of the BFA, under the support of the Central Government, Hainan has made significant investments to improve the surrounding environment of Boao town. Conference infrastructure, hotels, event venues and airports have been completely revamped. The world has been amazed by a vibrant “Hainan image” forged at record-breaking “Hainan speed.” 

Boao Airport is a key supporting project to ensure the policy of “BFA in one location.” To guarantee services for the 2016 Boao Forum for Asia, we shortened the construction cycle from a typical two years to 10 months, creating a miracle in the history of civil aviation in China and even in the world. In 2016, we decided to build a Media Center. It took us only 150 days, or half of the regular time to deliver the project to the satisfaction of all participants.

In addition, key infrastructure projects in the Boao area, including the Subsea Tunnel, the BFA Media Center, main venue,  phase-two hotel and China (Hainan) Museum of the South China Sea were all completed within ten months. Such speed was highly commended by Comrade Yang Jiechi, who called it the “Spirit of Ten Months.” What the “Boao Miracle” and “Hainan Speed” demonstrate is the strength and hardwork of the people of Hainan and their sense of responsibility to the national event. Both are vivid examples of the daring, pioneering and industrious spirit of the Special Economic Zone.

Hainan has a sophisticated set of service mechanisms for the Annual Conference, led by the Foreign Affairs Office and supported by 13 working groups, each taken care of by one department or city (county). With over a decade of experience, we have developed a well-organized and well-coordinated services system. As Hainan continues to improve its services for the Annual Conferences, it has also come to leverage the resources of the BFA. A working group was set up to make full use of the platform and its resources to serve Hainan’s economic and social development. Rather than being a mere service provider at the backstage, the province has galloped to the fore to make its own voice heard. It has taken a more proactive and confident posture regarding the Belt and Road initiative.

In the past two decades, drawing on a global pool of high-caliber talents attracted by the Forum, Hainan has created a series of platforms focused on foreign exchange, including the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Islands Economic Cooperation,” the “China-ASEAN Governors/Mayors’ Dialogue,” “the session on the South China Sea” and the “Overseas Chinese Business Roundtable.” These events not only enriched practical exchange and cooperation at the Forum, but also explored an effective way of turning the BFA into a more comprehensive forum beyond an economic and political agenda. Through the Forum, Hainan has successfully initiated projects to boost tourism, agriculture, healthcare, the Internet and the conferences and exhibitions sector. We saw growth in regional cooperation across a number of fields, contributing to rising levels of openness and internationalization. Under the influence of BFA, the fishing village of Boao has become a renowned township for foreign affairs and international conferences.

The BFA is outstanding because of Hainan, and Hainan has stood out among its peers because of the forum. It’s fair to say that by sharing resources and growing together, the Forum and Hainan have become a role model of cooperation and common development between an international organization and a locality.

When I served as member of the Board of Directors, I was also impressed by the complementarity between Hainan and the BFA. As an international conference headquartered in Hainan, the Forum offers me an opportunity to engage the local government. It also enables Hainan to play a crucial role in shaping global affairs.

According to the BFA Charter, the Board of Directors shall be the supreme executive body of the General Meeting of Members (GMM) and shall be responsible to the GMM. Since Hainan is the host place of the BFA, there has always been one director from Hainan. I was honored to be elected in 2015 and 2018.

I think my membership in the Board of Directors demonstrates the BFA’s recognition and trust in Hainan. The Forum was initiated by former Asian leaders. Hainan Province played an irreplaceable role in the forum’s conceptual planning, infrastructure expansion, services, and long-term development. As a member of the Board of Directors, I am also deeply aware of the mission and responsibilities that rest on my shoulders.

I have formed close ties with many members of the Board of Directors and built a network to boost Hainan’s international cooperation. For instance, by serving on the Board, I established a good working relationship with Chairman Ban Ki-moon, Former Prime Minister of France Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore Wong Kan Seng and leaders of many member organizations and businesses, such as Saudi Basic Industries and Samsung. Together we offered advice and suggestions to the Forum and bolstered exchange and cooperation in Hainan.

The members of the Board of Directors think highly of Hainan. For instance, Chairman Ban Ki-moon once highly commended Hainan’s contribution to the BFA: “Hainan devotes itself to the sound development of the BFA by giving top priority to the Forum. Each spring, it mobilizes resources across the province to guarantee services for the Annual Conference, which has left a wonderful impression on all guests.”

The greatest thing one can do is to fight for one’s dream and work with a mission. I felt tightly bound to the BFA ever since I was transferred to Hainan seven years ago. It’s my great honor to execute my duties and contribute to this grand stage. Along with my colleagues, I am passionately devoted to the BFA. The unforgettable experiences and sweet memories over the years are my lifetime treasures.

" When the Free Trade Port meets the BFA, expect a breathtaking synergy."

Building the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP) was a major decision made by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee based on in-depth studies and scientific planning in the context of the overall domestic and international scenes. It is a key measure demonstrating China’s commitment to expanding opening up and promoting economic globalization. It is yet another proof that “China will open its door wider, and this door will never close.” The free trade port is the highest form of openness in today’s world and the BFA is a showcase of China’s efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind. When the Free Trade Port meets the BFA, expect a breathtaking synergy.

As the host site of the BFA, Hainan will build the Free Trade Port into a national test field and an exlempary platform for institutional innovation, thus making unique contributions to the Belt and Road, economic globalization, the world’s common prosperity and development of a community with a shared future for mankind. To this end, we must continuously increase the BFA’s strategic inputs and keep improving the quality and level of our services for the Annual Conferences. We need to participate in regional and international exchanges in a more proactive and confident manner. It’s also important to make full use of the BFA’s brand, platform and network. For instance, we could invite world-renowned free trade port managers, experts and scholars to engage in discussions about how to further open up. This may serve as a reference for developing policies for the Free Trade Port. Second, members of the Board of Directors, the Council of Advisors and the BFA are top leaders in their respective fields. Some could be appointed as advisors to offer intellectual support for the development of FTP policies. In addition, the BFA is renowned for its sessions on financial topics and has set up a financial expert committee to deliver a series of outcomes in financial opening-up. Since enhancing financial supervision and openness are important components of free trade port policies, we should strengthen connection between the FTP and the BFA to better serve financial opening up in the Hainan Free Trade Port. It’s important to fully leverage all types of professional platforms of the BFA so as to comprehensively serve the economic and social developmentof Hainan Free Trade Port.