Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia
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The Organizing Committee of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia visits the British Embassy in Beijing

Time: 2023-03-07 17:32:10Views: Source: Original

On November 17, 2021, Luo Xiaoqin, Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia (hereinafter referred to as "the Organizing Committee"), and her delegation visited the British Embassy in Beijing. Zhang Yanou, Deputy Director of the Life Sciences and Healthcare Division of DIT, Department of International Trade, British Embassy in China, welcomed them and Mike McCourt, Director of Healthcare, British Consulate General in Guangzhou attended the meeting online. The two sides reviewed the past two conferences of Global Health Forum and has in-depth discussions about the third conference and long-term cooperation in future.

动态 | 博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会组委会拜访英国驻华大使馆

Dame Caroline Wilson (British Ambassador to China) 

delivers a speech at the 2nd Froum as a guest speaker

Deputy Director Luo Xiaoqin introduced the first two conferences of Global Health Forum, said that Global Health Forum had always been committed to promoting international exchanges and practical cooperation in the field of global public health. Adhering to the service purpose of "3+365 days", the Forum gave full play to the international, policy-oriented, governmental and market-oriented characteristics of the Forum and the resources from government, business, industry, academia and research, to promote the healthy development and deep cooperation of the partners and enterprises. The third Forum would focus on traditional Chinese medicine, biomedicine, intelligent medical care, health management, recreation, food safety, sports health and other related issues in the field of health for exchanges and discussions.


Heavily involved in the first two conferences, the British side believed that Global Health Forum was a high-profile, and professional international communication platform with industry authority and policy influence, and hoped to maintain close contact and strengthen cooperation with the organizing committee, so as to promote the international exchange and resource matching in the field of health between China and Britain.


During the meeting, the British side expressed great concern about the format and specific topics of the third Forum and was willing to encourage the full participation of senior leaders of the British side in the field of health. Both sides would focus on the current hot topics and public issues in the health field, provide policy and information support for the development of Chinese and British enterprises, achieve resource integration and scientific and technological innovation through China-UK dialogue sessions, closed-door meetings and health night talks, and hope to organize online China-UK health dialogue before the Forum.


Finally, both sides agreed to establish a long-term communication mechanism and build a high-level cooperation and exchange platform between China and the UK, in order to give full play to their respective resource advantages, promote the cooperation and project implementation between the two sides, help develop China-UK health policy and big health industry, and make constant contributions to global health security and development.