Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia
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COVID-19 situation updates (No. 1-20)

Time: 2023-03-07 17:17:10Views: Source: Original

No. 1, January 27, 2020

In order to implement the important instructions given by President Xi Jinping at the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau on the prevention and control of the current epidemic, the National Healthcare Security Bureau, in conjunction with the national situation, especially in Wuhan, Hubei and other places, sorts out the work, and strengthen the protection of patients' medical treatment costs, to ensure that patients are never delayed to receive the treatment because of the payment.

(CCTV News)


No. 2, January 27, 2020

Xi Jinping made important instructions, requiring party organizations at all levels and party members to unite and lead the people to implement the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee and rely closely on the people to win the fight against epidemic prevention and control. Xi Jinping stressed that party committees at all levels should scientifically study the situation, accurately understand the situation of the epidemic, and work in solidarity under unified leadership.

(CCTV News)


No. 3, January 27, 2020

According to the news on State Food and Drug Administration website on the 27th, recently, based on the deployment of the previous work, the State Food and Drug Administration strengthens the prevention and control of drugs and machinery quality supervision work on new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, requires the national drug regulatory departments to take the work related to the prevention and control of the epidemic as the top priority of the current drug regulatory work, with effective performance of regulatory responsibilities to protect the quality and safety of drugs and equipment used for prevention and control.

(State Food and Drug Administration)


No. 4, January 27, 2020

On the afternoon of January 27, Wang Zhiyong, deputy director of the State Administration of Traditional Medicine of China, hosted a video conference for expert discussion on the observation of clinical efficacy of prescriptions for the treatment of novel coronary pneumonia in traditional Chinese medicine at the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At the meeting, in face of the current relatively serious and complex situation of the epidemic, clinical and scientific researchers were requested to implement the important instructions of President Xi Jinping and the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and race with time to further accelerate the screening of clinically effective formulas and clinical efficacy observation, and strive to come up with more mature and effective formulas and technologies as soon as possible, in order to play a supportive role in the technology of Chinese medicine.

(State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China)


No. 5, January 27, 2020

On January 27, 2020, a cumulative total of 4515 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland, including 1771 new cases. There are 515 new severe cases and 26 new deaths (24 in Hubei,1 inBeijing and 1 in Hainan). 9 COVID-19 patients are discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 2077 new suspected cases are reported. As of 24:00 of January 27, 2020, A cumulative total of 4515 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 976 severe cases and 6973 suspected cases. The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 60 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 106. There are a total of 47,833 close contacts, and 914 close contacts were removed from medical observation. 44,132 close contacts are still under medical observation. The total number of confirmed cases reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan is: 8 in Hong Kong, 7 in Macau , and 5 in Taiwan.

(National Health Commission)


No. 6, January 28, 2020

The National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued the " diagnosis and treatment protocol for novel coronavirus pneumonia (trial version 4)": (1) the source of infection seen so far is mainly patients with pneumonia infected with novel coronavirus; (2) transmission by respiratory droplets is the main route of transmission, as well as through contact; (3) # population is generally susceptible #, the elderly and people with underlying diseases are more seriously ill after infection, and children and infants can also be infected; (4) the incubation period is generally 3-7 days, with the longest period not exceeding 14 days; (5) most patients have a good prognosis, and children have relatively mild symptoms; (6) the new coronavirus is 85% homologous with SARS.

(China Central Radio and Television (CCTV) Voice of China)


No. 7, January 28, 2020

Feng Zijian, deputy director of the Chinese CDC, said that studies have shown that the interpersonal transmission capacity of the new coronavirus can infect an average of two to three people per patient. The doubling time of the new coronavirus is shorter than that of SARS, which doubles in about 9 days, while the new coronavirus doubles in about 6 or 7 days. The new coronavirus is relatively short according to a measure of the transmission interval.

(CCTV News)


No. 8, January 28, 2020

WHO changed the risk of novel coronavirus outbreak globally to high risk in its report on novel coronavirus on the 26th and 27th. WHO said that the previously released report incorrectly summarized the novel coronavirus outbreak as a medium risk to the world, when in fact it was a high risk. The novel coronavirus outbreak poses a very high risk to China and a high risk to the region.

(General TV News)


No. 9, January 28, 2020

The first batch of "2019-nCoV virus testing kits" for novel coronavirus infection pneumonia in Tianjin, totaling 10,000 copies, has been sent to Wuhan. These kits will be used for first-line detection after passing the test. According to reports, the production company currently in stable supply of reagent raw materials, is working overtime to produce at full capacity, and plans to complete 50,000 copies of the production target by the end of January, which will be all provided to Hubei and other places for free.

(CCTV News)


No. 10, January 28, 2020

CDC expert Feng Zijian: contact transmission mainly refers to indirect contact transmission, that is, respiratory secretions (sneezing, coughing droplets) to the surface of the object contamination, or hands with these secretions which touch the keyboard or toys contaminating the surface of the object, others then touch these objects with their hands, later touch their eyes, mouth and nose, and they may be infected by transmission.

(CCTV News)


No. 28, January 28, 2020

President Xi Jinping met with World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the Great Hall of the People today. Xi said that the Chinese people are currently in a fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. The safety of people's lives and health always comes first, and the prevention and control of the epidemic is the most important work at present. I have been personally commanding and deploying, and I believe that as long as we have firm confidence, work together with scientific prevention and control measures, we will definitely overcome this epidemic. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that China has released information openly and transparently, screened out the pathogen in record time, and taken the initiative to share the relevant virus gene sequences with the World Health Organization and other countries in a timely manner. In the face of the epidemic, the Chinese government has shown firm political determination and taken timely and powerful measures that the world admires. I am confident that the measures taken by China will effectively control and eventually overcome the epidemic.

(CCTV News)


No. 12, January 29, 2020

As of 24:00 of January 28, 2020, A cumulative total of 5,974 confirmed cases has been reported on the Chinese mainland with 1239 severe cases. The total number of COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals after recovery reached 103 on the Chinese mainland, with the total death toll at 132 and 9239 suspected cases. There are a total of 65,537 close contacts, and 1604 close contacts were removed from medical observation. 59,990 close contacts are still under medical observation. The total number of confirmed cases reported in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan is: 8 in Hong Kong, 7 in Macau , and 8 in Taiwan.

(National Health Commission)



No. 13, January 29, 2020

UN Secretary-General Guterres: At this critical moment, the United Nations stands firmly with the Chinese government and people. The UN appreciates China's efforts, has full confidence in its ability to prevent and control the epidemic, and is ready to provide China with all possible support and assistance. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: The strength of China's institutions and the effectiveness of its initiatives are rare and admirable. The World Health Organization and the international community highly appreciate and fully recognize the decisive measures taken by the Chinese government. WHO is ready to provide all necessary assistance to the Chinese side according to its needs.



No. 14, January 29, 2020

Professor Zeng Guang, member of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission and chief scientist of epidemiology at China CDC, said that the two diseases are different and there is no need to panic too much about the number of cases. "SARS is more severe and has 'super-spreaders', with serious nosocomial infections and many medical staff infected." Professor Zeng Guang said, while novel coronavirus pneumonia ranges from mild to severe. It is better to say it is novel coronavirus pneumonia than novel coronavirus infection, because patients who test positive do not necessarily develop pneumonia. Just like the flu or a bad cold, some mild cases can be cured without hospitalization. There are also no 'super-spreaders' and fewer medical staff are infected. Although the new coronavirus is more difficult to prevent and control than SARS, and the incubation period is also contagious, the overall condition is milder than SARS, and most are mild cases, lthough the number of cases is high.

(Health Times)



No. 15, January 29, 2020

Li Lanjuan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and member of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission: Isolating the viral strain means that we already have the seed strain of the vaccine. After getting the vaccine strain, we can then develop the vaccine. There is a process to develop the vaccine, and it takes a month and a half to get the vaccine strain, and then a month and a half for the approval process.

(China News Service)


No. 16, January 29, 2020

Gao Fu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of China CDC, said in an interview on 28 January that the virus has its own pattern of occurrence, the current preventive and control measures are working, and the suspected cases are decreasing, which is a good sign. If you follow the current measures, you should be able to see an inflection point in the near future. We expect that the situation may improve on the Lantern Festival, according to the current measures, I am personally optimistic, and my personal assessment on the inflection point is even earlier than this, but everyone should be in place, everyone is responsible for the prevention and control of the epidemic, and everyone takes protective measure, then the virus will go down.

(CCTV4 "Today's Focus")


No. 17, January 29, 2020

In response to 5 million people leaving Wuhan, National Health Commission said that our common enemy is the disease, not the people of Wuhan. The quarantine is for the epidemic, but not the affection.

(People's Daily)


No. 18, January 29, 2020

Feng Zijian, deputy director of the CDC, said that from the current epidemic surveillance, the number of infants and children with the disease has increased, but the elderly are easily to be critically ill. Children should go out less, and family members should pay attention to isolation if they are infected.

(China Business News)  


No. 19, January 29, 2020

Feng Zijian, deputy director of the CDC, said that if you go to public places and take transportation, it is recommended to wear a mask. If alone and there is no particularly intensive contact with people, mask is not a must. Medical personnel have strict rules on mask use time, but for the public, it’s not necessary to change masks so frequently, which can be used for a longer period of time depending on the cleanliness.

(CCTV News)


No. 20, January 30, 2020

Liang Zongan, Director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of West China Hospital of Sichuan University: Patients produce protective antibodies for a certain period of time after infection, and are relatively safe for a period of time (generally speaking a few months). However, over a long period of time, it cannot be ruled out that the type of virus may change, or that people will be infected with even the same type of virus. However, it is certain that the cured patient is now healthy and people will not be infected by contact with them. However, it is also necessary to take protective measures like wearing a mask and washing hands regularly.