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The significance of Boao Forum for Asia to the world

Time: 2021-05-15 11:05:51Views: Source:


Photo taken on April 17, 2021 shows the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) International Conference Center. (Xinhua)

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Boao Forum for Asia. As one of the most influential forums and summits in the world today, Boao Forum for Asia, with its unique charm and regional characteristics, has become a high-level dialogue platform for Asia and other countries in the world to build consensus, exchange ideas, rebuild confidence, elaborate ideas, expand cooperation and seek common development, as well as an international public product that is widely welcomed by the political, business and academic circles and attracts the attention of the global media in the context of the world's great changes.


Boao Forum for Asia has brought confidence and driving forces into the world economic recovery. In a post-pandemic era, economic recovery and growth, and restoration of normal social order are the most urgent issues to all countries. China has made significant strategic achievements in the prevention and control of the pandemic, and is the only major economy in the world that has achieved positive economic growth in 2020. In the first quarter of this year, the economy continued a strong recovery, with a 18.3% year-on-year growth rate in GDP, and it is expected to contribute to 1 / 3 of the world economic growth in 2021. Boao Forum for Asia is the world's first major international conference with offline meetings against the backdrop of China’s prevention and control efforts resulting in important progress at  a stag and China's solid economic recovery. Through face-to-face experience sharing and high-quality constructive dialogues on the fight against the pandemic, the Boao Forum for Asia will send more positive signals and pass firm confidence to countries around the world, contributing wisdom and strength to the world economic and social recovery in the post-pandemic era.


The Boao Forum for Asia will show the world a new vision of development in post-pandemic Asia. Thanks to the strong and effective preventive and control measures and timely relief policies, most Asian countries are getting rid of the negative impact of the pandemic on their economies, resuming work and production in an orderly manner, achieve economic growth, with optimistic prospects for recovery. The market generally expects that most Asian countries will return to their pre-pandemic output levels by the end of 2021. The fact that Asia is the most dynamic and potential region in the world, and Asia is the engine of economic growth in the world today has not changed. Boao Forum for Asia, as a multilateral dialogue platform based in Asia and open to the world, fully respects the sovereignty of all countries, listens to the views of all countries, values the ideas of all countries, and through sincere exchanges and frank communication online and offline, contributes "Boao proposals" to the integrated development in Asia, and contributes "Boao Path" to development issues in Asia, and contributes "Boao Wisdom" to a new vision of a vibrant Asia. This is not only in the fundamental interests of the Asian people, but also the common expectation of the international community.


The Boao Forum for Asia provides the world with "Asian proposals" of global economic governance. Admittedly, the pandemic has to a certain extent expanded the "governance deficit" in the field of global governance, leading to a significant increase in international conflicts and strife of interests, and even zero-sum thinking arguments and the Cold War decoupling system was once rampant, and the basis of trust and cooperation between countries was eroded to a large extent. In the face of the great uncertainty in the evolution of the international political and economic landscape, strengthening and improving the global governance system is more important and urgent than ever before. From the perspective of building a community of shared future for mankind, the Chinese government has proposed to adhere to the concept of global governance based on common consent, common construction and sharing, and that global affairs should be run by all peoples through consultation. Boao Forum for Asia upholds the concept of building a community of shared future for mankind, reject the Cold War mentality, zero-sum game mentality and the law of the jungle, sets up a platform for common development and mutually beneficial development, enhances strategic mutual trust through dialogue and communication, reduces mutual suspicion, demonstrates the common will of Asian countries to respect differences, pursue commonality and tide over difficulties together and jointly pursue win-win cooperation against the backdrop of the world's great changes, and builds the community of shared future in Asia together.


The Boao Forum for Asia has demonstrated China's determination to reform and open up to the world. Reform and opening up is the most wonderful and splendid chapter of China in the past 40 years. At the new historical starting point, China's reform will be deepened and its opening-up will be expanded. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) is the regional trade arrangement with the largest number of participating members and the largest scale in Asia. China has taken the lead in completing the approval process of RCEP, which fully reflects China's confidence and determination to deepen the reform internally, promote the opening up externally and participate in the integration of the supply chain of the industrial chain in the Asia-Pacific region. This year's Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference added two new sections, "Interpreting China" and "One Belt, One Road" cooperation, highlighting China's commitment to win-win cooperation and welcoming all countries to benefit from China's reform and providing opportunities on China's opening up. Hainan has the unique advantage of being a pilot for national reform and opening up, and has a special status and important role in the overall reform and opening up and socialist modernization in China, with huge potential and unlimited possibilities. In the new era, the construction of a free trade port in Hainan is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee to promote the innovative development of socialism with Chinese characteristics with the focus on both the domestic and international situation, and is a milestone in the process of reform and opening up in the new era of China. This year's Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, of great and far-reaching significance, not only provides an important platform to raise the international visibility of Hainan free trade port, but also declares to the world with determination that Hainan free trade port will adopt a higher level policy system of free investment and trade.


Boao Forum for Asia is indispensable to an open China, to a prosperous Asia and to a world with steady recovery. We believe that Boao Forum for Asia in the new era will be a driving force for the recovery of the world economy, showcasing the world a new vision of the development in Asia after the epidemic, and provide the world with "Asian proposals" for global economic governance.