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Mongolian Prime Minister Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh Meets with BFA Chairman BAN Ki-moon and Secretary-General Li Baodong

Time: 2019-08-22 13:40:58Views: Source: BFA

On August 20, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, Prime Minister of Mongolia, met with Ban Ki-moon, Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia and Li Baodong, Secretary-General of BFA. Attendees also included Damdin Tsogtbaatar, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, Xing Haiming, Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia, MENG Xiaosu, Entrepreneur Vice-President, China International Council for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations (CICPMC), Tuvshintugs Battsetseg, Deputy Director-General, Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, MFA of Mongolia, Wang Tongzhou, Chairman of China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group, a member of BFA, and Li Yong, Board Chairman, China Yong Investment Group.


Prime Minister Khurelsukh welcomed BFA to hold conferences in Mongolia, saying that he was honored to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Annual Conference of BFA 2018. In March this year, BFA held another fruitful annual conference to successfully build consensus and effectively promote regional cooperation in Asia. Next year will be a development milestone for BFA. As an initial member of BFA, Mongolia hopes that the Forum will make careful preparations for the next annual conference to fuel policy communication, economic cooperation and cultural exchanges. Mongolia stands ready to strengthen ties and cooperation with BFA.


Mr. Ban thanked the Mongolian government and its MFA for jointly hosting the Ulaanbaatar Conference, an event of special significance. In recent years, Mongolia has made great progress in many areas, with its GDP growth up to 6.8% last year. Mongolia pursues a friendly foreign policy with its neighbors and seeks to develop amicable relations with countries in Asia and the world. As an initial member of BFA, Mongolia has also made positive contributions to the growth and expansion of the organization. With the escalation of uncertainties and differences in today’s world, the Ulaanbaatar Conference is expected to send a strong message to the world and encourage vaious countries to unite as one and assume respective political responsibilities for the well-being of people.


Mr. Li said that this is the first time BFA has travelled to Ulaanbaatar, reflecting the importance BFA has attached to developing the relations with Mongolia, as well as the determination and aspiration of both sides to promote regional and international cooperation. Previously, Mongolian President HE Khaltmaa BATTULGA and Prime Minister HE Ukhnaagiin KHURELSUKH visited China, the host country of BFA, to attend the BFA meetings, which has greatly promoted the bilateral relations and regional economic cooperation. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia. The Chinese government supports the BFA conferences in Mongolia, and BFA is glad to see the fast-growing bilateral relations that will benefit the people of China and Mongolia as well as other countries in the region.