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Align Development Needs to Unlock Cooperation Potentials -- Ulaanbaatar Conference holds investment promotion event, business leaders dialogue and side events

Time: 2019-08-22 13:33:14Views: Source: BFA

On August 20, the Ulaanbaatar Conference of BFA held “Business Opportunities: Investment Climate in Mongolia”, an event to promote investment. Dolgorsürengiin Sumiyabazar, Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry of Mongolia, Khurelbaatar Bulgantuya, Vice Minister of Fiannce of Mongolia, Sainbuyan Amarsaikhan, Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, Banzragch Bayarsaikhan, Director of National Development Agency of Mongolia, and representatives from BCM and Erdenes Mongol LLC delivered comprehensive presentations from their own fields and perspectives.


On the same day, the conference also held sessions including “New direction: Aligning ‘Belt and Road’ & ‘Development Road’”, “Connectivity: Expanding horizons into regional cooperation” and “Common goal: Green development”. Speakers from Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, MFA of Mongolia, Business Council of Mongolia, Development Bank of Mongolia, Trade Development Bank of Mongolia, UNESCAP, Asian Development Bank, World Energy Commission, EU Delegation to Mongolia, International Think Tank for LLDCs together with political, business, adademic and diplomatic representatives explored the above issues in an interactive manner to contribute insights and solutions.


Just as the previous Manila Conference at which innovative initiatives were proposed, the Ulaanbaatar Conference also held “Business Leaders Dialogue Face-to-Face”. Business leaders from China and Mongolia were given an opportunity to discuss issues about cooperation on mining and energy, financial services, infrastructure construction, trade, husbandry, tourism and technological innovation, so that the two sides can fully align their needs to unlock investment cooperation potential, ultimately contributing to pragmatic bilateral cooperation.