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Delegation of Qingdao government visits Longnan, Gansu for collaboration in poverty alleviation

Time: 2020-06-04 09:29:24Views: Source: Qingdao Daily

Eradicate absolute poverty and deepen the cooperation between Qingdao and Longnan


Lin Duo met with the delegation. Sun Wei and Wang Qingxian spoke at the meeting.


Qingdao Daily/Qingdao View/Qingdao News On June 3-4, a delegation led by Wang Qingxian, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shandong Committee and Secretary of the CPC Qingdao Committee visited Longnan, Gansu Province, to deepen the cooperation in poverty alleviation collaboration following the instructions of President Xi Jinping and the work arrangements of the Party Central Committee and attended a joint meeting and the signing ceremony of Qingdao-Longnan poverty alleviation collaboration project.


Lin Duo, Gansu provincial party secretary and vice-chairman of the Gansu provincial legislature, met with the delegation in Lanzhou. Sun Wei, Gansu Provincial Party Deputy Secretary, Li Rongcan, member of Gansu Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, and Lanzhou City Party Secretary, accompanied the delegation for the visit. Wang Jiayi, Secretary General and member of Gansu Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, attended the meeting. Sun Wei and Wang Qingxian attended spoke at the meeting of poverty alleviation collaboration.


Lin Duo, on behalf of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, welcomed the delegation for promoting East-West poverty alleviation collaboration. He said, in recent years, Qingdao city has provided strong support for poverty alleviation in Longnan, and made remarkable achievements in infrastructure construction, industry cultivation, labor transfer, consumption of poverty alleviation and other aspects. At present, we are striving to eradicating poverty in Gansu following President’s Xi Jinping important instructions, and I hope the cooperation between Qingdao Gansu will lead to the success in poverty alleviation.


Wang Qingxian thanked Gansu Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government and the people of Gansu for the support and help for the epidemic prevention and control of Qingdao. He said, the cooperation between Qingdao and Longnan in poverty alleviation collaboration, initiated by the state government headed by President Xi Jinping, is a major political task and mission to us. Since the start of the collaboration, Qingdao and Longnan have worked together, provided support in finance and talents and strived for the poverty alleviation, aiming to be a model of East-West cooperation in poverty alleviation. We will continue to assist Longnan with greater determination, strength, and more measures in eradicating poverty.


On the evening of the 3rd, the meeting of Qingdao-Longnan East-West poverty alleviation collaboration and signing ceremony was held. At the meeting, the work on Longnan-Qingdao cooperation in poverty alleviation was introduced, and in-depth exchanges on promoting the cooperation and the quality of poverty alleviation and tell a story of poverty alleviation collaboration were made. 18 industrial cooperation projects were also signed at the meeting.

"There is an end to poverty eradication, but no end to the collaboration between the eastern cities and the western cities." Wang Qingxian said, at present, the task of poverty alleviattion is at a critical final stage, Qingdao City will enhance the sense of mission and responsibility, and work harder to complete the tasks to meet the expectation of the Central government and the people of Longnan. We will, with market and capital power, promote the work of industrial poverty alleviation, play an active role at the platform set up by the government in talent support, and give full play to the role of business associations in both places, so as to seek more cooperation opportunities. With an open vision to for the cooperation in poverty alleviation, we will enpower the enterprises with industrial Internet for Longnan City and Gansu Province, and establish a greater, deeper and high-quality win-win cooperation in a long run.


On the afternoon of the 3rd and the morning of the 4th, the delegation to Longnan City visited Wudu District and Dangchang County in Longnan for an in-depth investigation on the cooperation in industrial poverty alleviation and tourism poverty alleviation. In Jishiba, Wudu District, Wang Qingxian attended the launching ceremony of Qingdao-Longnan industrial cooperation and agricultural products supply chain projects and announced the start of six projects of a total investment of 720 million yuan. In Yuezangfu Tibetan, Dangchang County, Wang Qingxian listened to the introduction on Guanegou program of Qingdao Tourism Group, visited the Qingdao beer factory, and urged them to combine the cooperation in poverty alleviation with rural tourism, strengthen the bonding between the enterprises in Qingdao and Longnan, respect the local minority culture, beliefs and national psychology, to accomplish the tasks. During the visit, Wang Qingxian also investigated the night economic development in Longnan, and visited the Hadapu Long March Memorial Hall of Red Army with respect.


In Lanzhou City, Wang Qingxian paid a visit to the Lanzhou Railway Pump Station and Zhongshan Bridge, to learn about the planning and construction of Lanzhou Yellow River Tourist Attraction, the Yellow River basin ecological protection and high-quality development, as well as to LS Group high-end equipment industrial park and flower industry base in New District, Lanzhou.


Longnan city leaders Sun Xuetao, Cui Jingyu, Qingdao city leaders Zhu Hua, Sun Yonghong, and Zhu Peiji attended the events.


(By Liu Chenglong)