Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

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Statement on the Infringement of "Boao Forum for Asia - Life and Medical Technology Innovation Forum"

Time: 2020-06-17 11:39:15Views: Source: BFA

On June 17, Boao Forum for Asia released a statement on its official website.


Solemn Statement

Recently, there are rumors that Boao Forum for Asia will hold the "Boao Forum for Asia - Life and Medical Technology Innovation Forum" with the National Health Commission and Guangdong Provincial People's Government, and "China International Hospital Medical Supply Expo" will coincide with the forum.

The Boao Forum for Asia hereby solemnly declares that the above-mentioned forum and expo are purely fabricated, which is a fraudulent use of the name of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) and seriously infringes upon the reputation of BFA. BFA Secretariat would like to remind all parties concerned to be careful not to be deceived. BFA will continue to investigate the matter and reserves the right to take legal action.

Boao Forum for Asia Secretariat

June 17, 2020