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Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia Held Closed-door Seminar on New Trend in Medical and Health Reform and Payment Security

Time: 2021-10-18 13:15:26Views: Source: Original

On October 16, 2021, the Closed-door Seminar on New Trend in Medical and Health Reform and Payment Security of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia was successfully held and the Innovation Center for Health Insurance and Health Management (hereinafter referred to as the Innovation Center) was officially launched. Mr. Xu Shuqiang, Director General of System Reform of the National Health Commission, Dr. Wang Yu, Expert Consultant of GHF, former Director of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mr. Zhu Junsheng, director of the China Insurance and Pension Research Center of the PBC School of Finance at Tsinghua University attended the seminar and made speeches. Over 50 representatives from Amgen China, AstraZeneca, Boehringer-Ingelheim, HSBC, Pfizer, MSD, Meinian Onehealth Healthcare, PingAn Healthcare, ZhongAn Insurance, Prudential Financial, Johnson & Johnson China, Tencent Healthcare, Boston Consulting participated in the discussion. The seminar was presided over by Mr. Dong Dong, Chief Supervisor of Shanghai TuoXin Health Promotion Centre and Ms. Xia Xiaoyan, Managing Director and Global Partner of Boston Consulting.

The seminar discussed and exchanged ideas on hot topics including the general idea and key points of furthering reform of medicine and healthcare system, how to promote inclusive healthcare and measures, health management, deepening the reform in medical areas, cross-industry cooperation model of commercial health insurance and the development direction.

融合创新 共赢发展——博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会举办“医药卫生改革和支付保障新趋势”闭门研讨会

In the speech, Dr. Wang Yu mentioned that as current demand for healthcare kept growing, to satisfy the medical care demand and guarantee sustainable supply, the transition from treatment centered to health management centered requires the impetus of policy environment and support of market conditions. Against such backdrop, the Innovation Center for Health Insurance and Health Management under the GHF came into being. The Center will actively explore the supply and demand model of big health in respect of policy research, strategy analysis, connection between enterprises and government, commercial insurance, medicine, medical equipment and health management. In the meantime, it will launch cooperation projects with cities and special activities, and establish horizontal cooperation and communication with other innovation centers in other fields. He noted that the Innovation Center would cooperate with Qingdao of Shandong province to alleviate the burdens of cerebral stroke and cooperate with Hainan province to eliminate liver disease, with an aim to collectively promote the action plan of eliminating liver hepatitis, which will become a demonstration to promote widespread pilot programs in other cities with higher chronic disease fatality (like cancer, cerebral stroke, heart disease, hepatitis). Local governments, medical institutions, commercial insurance, health management should coordinate across the board to jointly contribute to the establishment of healthy China and a new and long term effective health management mechanism with people’s health as the core.

融合创新 共赢发展——博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会举办“医药卫生改革和支付保障新趋势”闭门研讨会

Opening speech by Dr. Wang Yu

Director General Mr. Xu Shuqiang elaborated on the policy direction of China's current medical and health system reform, and he emphasized that we should implement the important spiritual instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, stick to the direction and focus of deepening medical reform, accelerate the availability of quality medical resources, ensure they are better distributed, set up a new system of medical and health services, and enhance the systemic, holistic and synergistic nature of medical reform. At the local level, we should take into account the actual situation and speed up the formation of a new pattern of orderly access to medical care and treatment. In the meantime, as a new industry, the healthcare sector should seize the new opportunities brought by the healthy China strategy, satisfy the health needs of the people, and play a significant role in private hospitals.

融合创新 共赢发展——博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会举办“医药卫生改革和支付保障新趋势”闭门研讨会

Keynote speech by Mr. Xu Shuqiang, Director General of System Reform of the National Health Commission


Director General Xu said that from the perspective of furthering reform in medical service, commercial health insurance has ushered in a critical stage of development. To develop the insurance and cover the health demands beyond basic medical insurance, it is necessary to explore the needs and feasibility of commercial health insurance for data interchange and sharing, the mode of cooperation with hospitals, and the mechanism and path of optimizing health governance. Finally, he called on the outstanding representatives from the industry to contribute to the construction of healthy China across the board, deepening reform of medical and healthcare systems and people’s health.

融合创新 共赢发展——博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会举办“医药卫生改革和支付保障新趋势”闭门研讨会

Site of closed-door seminar

Professor Zhu Junsheng thought that medical insurance programs at different levels provide space for the development of commercial health insurance. The development of health innovation industry urgently needs the payment role of commercial health insurance that should shoulder the mission of advancing the growth of the industry. He said that the high-quality development of commercial insurance remained an uphill battle with evident pains in the development of critical illness insurance and medical insurance. Meanwhile, the health management demand will become more prominent in the future, therefore, further integration of "medical, medicine, insurance" is the orientation for future development.

融合创新 共赢发展——博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会举办“医药卫生改革和支付保障新趋势”闭门研讨会

Keynote speech by Professor Zhu Junsheng

In his conclusion, Dr. Wang Yu, Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia has been successfully held for twice in Qingdao, becoming a comprehensive international platform of exchange for government, business, industry, academia and research, high-end dialogue and pragmatic cooperation, which promotes the development of health industry and health sector at home and abroad. As the first innovation center in the professional field under the framework of Global Health Forum, the center will actively implement the Forum's action plan on the direction of health insurance and health management, and adequately leverage the Forum's advantage of integrating high-end resources from government, business, industry, academia and research to promote pragmatic cooperation and ensure the high quality of all activities. Finally, Dr. Wang Yu expressed his sincere appreciation to the representatives of enterprises and organizations who participated in this closed-door seminar, and hoped that all parties concerned would continue to support the development of Global Health Forum. As third conference of the Global Health Forum is in the pipeline, the Forum will continue to pool the wisdom and consensus of all parties and enhance exchanges and cooperation domestically and internationally in an effort to propel the growth of global health cause and industry.

融合创新 共赢发展——博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会举办“医药卫生改革和支付保障新趋势”闭门研讨会

Launching ceremony of Innovation Center

Participants of the launching ceremony (from left to right): Peng Xuan, CEO of Yuanxin Huibao; Sun Danying, Vice Chairman of HSBC Insurance Asia Pacific Holdings Limited; Zheng Zhijie, Director of the Department of Global Health, School of Public Health, Peking University; Luo Xiaoqin, Deputy Director of the Conference Organizing Committee; Wang Yu, Expert Consultant to GHF and former Director of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Zhu Junsheng, Director of the China Insurance and Pension Research Center of the PBC School of Finance at Tsinghua University, Chief Consultant of the Innovation Center for Health Insurance and Health Management; Zhu Yougang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and CEO of Ping An Health; Wang Yusheng, Chairman of Zhongfang Tongyong Chinese Medicine Network Hospital Co.


The closed-door seminar held by the Organizing Committee targets to set up the platform of intensive exchanges for the government and enterprises, focuses on both policies and markets, jointly exploring new ideas for high quality development of health management.

融合创新 共赢发展——博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛大会举办“医药卫生改革和支付保障新趋势”闭门研讨会

Group photo of the closed-door seminar